
May Robot Fighting Event


Who: Everyone who wants to come - students, staff, faculty, administrators, and members of the public of all ages! Please note that kids need to be supervised, and a liability waiver will need to be signed before entry.

Where: The MakerSpace, specifically the front outdoor build area. The indoor work areas will be used by the competitors to set up and repair their robots.

When: Saturday, May 25th and Sunday, May 26th - that's both days of Memorial Day Weekend. We expect fights to be ongoing from 9am-5pm, but there may be slight technical delays.

What: Robot fighting! Using rules similar to those from the BattleBots TV show, robots across six weight classes will compete in four arenas over the two days.

Why: Because it's awesome! Also because combat robotics presents a unique combination of creative expression, engineering design, iterative development from catastrophic failure, accessibility to any and all would-be participants, and an inspiring spectacle for audiences to witness. MaDcAtTeR, the robot depicted in the poster above, is a 250lb robot that has competed on three seasons of the Battlebots TV show, earning a top 16 place last season - it was built and developed by Mt. SAC engineering and electronics students and alumni under the captaincy of MakerSpace founding faculty Martin Mason.

Other Notes:

  • Closed-toed shoes are required to enter the event.
  • Snacks, drinks, and pizza will be available for purchase
  • The MakerSpace may not be used for any purpose other than the event during the time things are happening
  • Visitors may wander the build area and see what the builders are up to, but please do recognize that they are competitors under time constraints, and while many are happy to answer any and all questions, others may need to be focusing on what they're doing and/or working with tools.
  • If you're interested in competing or doing a deeper dive, the event info (including contact info, rules, and more) may be found at the page for the event.
  • The poster above was created by Jeffrey George of the Mt. SAC Web Design team - we think he did a spectacular job, and even though he said we didn't have to, we believe artists should always be credited!