
Frequently Asked Questions


If there are any questions we don't answer here, email us, or message us on Facebook, Instagram, or (if you're already a member) Discord!

    • Who can use the MakerSpace?
      Nobody! We're closed until funding comes through in some form or another.
    • How much does membership cost?
      Membership in and of itself was free! We aren't sure what model might be in place in the future, so check back!
    • Do I need an appointment to use the MakerSpace?
      Nope! But, if you need or want to schedule a visit for a class, student club, or organization, or want to reserve a piece of equipment or test for clearance on a higher-clearance tool, you were welcome to make a reservation!
    • Is there a minimum or maximum of how much or how often I can use the MakerSpace?
      Nope! We were open 30 hours a week, 3:30-9:30pm - you were welcome to come for as many or as few of those as you like!
    • Is there a dress code to use the MakerSpace?

      You had to wear closed-toed shoes at all times in and around the MakerSpace.
      Depending on the equipment and materials you were working with, you may have needed to wear additional PPE; for example, you were required to wear eye protection while working with powered tools.

    • Can I use any/all of the equipment once I'm a member?

      We had a clearance system that limited access to the more dangerous and complex tools. Many tools are Yellow or Red clearance, so you needed to pass a proficiency test with one of our qualified staff members before using those tools.

    • What if I don't know how to use a machine?

      Depending on the machine's clearance level, we may or may not have been able to help.
      If the machine was Green clearance, our staff could help you get started using the machine, and we may even have had printed guides.
      If the machine was Yellow or Red clearance, our staff could recommend classes and other resources that could help you.

    • Do I have to bring my own supplies?

      We had some free materials for you to experiment with, but we couldn't guarantee that they were always available or that they were a particular type or quality.
      The materials that we provided were mostly for Green-level activities, but we had a wide range of wood available to use.
      Most of the time we didn't have metal for members to use.
      We asked that you bring your own supplies if your project required a large amount of material or if you were personally going to be selling your project's results for personal or professional gain.
      Some supplies required prior approval, especially plastics.

    • May I bring my kids?

      Unfortunately, we couldn't allow children on MakerSpace property except during our public events.
      If you were a new member getting a tour, your child(ren) could stay at the outdoor eating area if they could safely stay there unsupervised. Otherwise, you needed to return another time without them.
      Minors who were Mt. SAC credit students - including high school Dual-Enrollment students - were allowed to use the MakerSpace in that capacity, however.

    • What accommodations can you make?

      We strove to do our best to accommodate all of our members' needs! Depending on your particular circumstances, you were recommended to get in touch with us (links at the top of the page) and/or contact ACCESS.