
Policies & Procedures

The Mountie MakerSpace strove to provide a safe, productive, and fun work environment for our members. We asked them to obey the following policies and procedures while in or at our facility. Failure to obey the policies and procedures could have made our facilities dangerous and/or unwelcoming to others, and such actions may have resulted in membership being terminated without notice.

We expect that when/if we reopen, depending on the form that takes, these policies and procedures will change in word if not implementation, though their intent will hopefully remain the same. Any changes or updates to these policies and procedures will occur as needed, and will be announced on our email list and Discord server with sufficient notice; until then, we leave these here as a record.


    • Individual Safety

      Obey all posted signs, literature, and staff instructions pertaining to safe use of our facilities. These include but are not limited to signs regarding appropriate clothing and protective gear, techniques for safe equipment use, material-specific precautions, and machine lockouts.

      Do not use equipment you are not comfortable with or trained to use. Ask for help if uncertain about any part of a process.

    • Shared Safety

      It is possible for less experienced members to operate equipment dangerously without knowing it. Please watch for unsafe behavior and approach and offer feedback if you believe a person is working unsafely. Please notify staff immediately if you believe any piece of equipment or infrastructure to be unsafe.

      It is highly recommended that you do not allow another individual to use your personal equipment that you have brought into the MakerSpace, as you may be held personally liable if any injuries occur to another individual.

    • Evacuation Plan

      If we need to evacuate the MakerSpace, please calmly use the nearest exit and rendezvous in Lot F, assuming it and the route there are safe.

      The MakerSpace has exits through the Outdoor Red Zone chain-link gate, the indoor Red Zone under the sign, the Green Room, and the front entrances.

    • Be Responsible

      Respect MakerSpace staff and understand that they are in charge and you must follow their directives.

      Yell "LOUD NOISE!" if you are expecting to make loud noise, and await an affirmative response before proceeding to make that noise.

      First aid kits are available next to the main door, electrical panel in the indoor Red Zone, and on top of the main room laser cutter. Use them as needed, and inform a staff member for assistance and so we can restock.

      Fire extinguishers are in many locations around the MakerSpace. Use them if needed.

      You may not use the MakerSpace for any inappopriate or unlawful activity.

      There is no smoking or vaping anywhere in or around our facility.

      No roughhousing of any sort anywhere on the property.

      Keep noise to a respectful minimum as possible.

      Please respect and do not interrupt any official MakerSpace activities or classes in the shared spaces.

    • Tidy Space

      Unless you've got a project that is unusually large, fragile, and/or needs time to set or dry, you must pack up and take with you everything you brought in. If you need to leave for a short time to retrieve something left in your car, at home, etc or need to run to a store, notify a staff member.

      When you're done using an area and/or tools, please ensure that you've returned everything to its appropriate location and cleaned up so the area is as clean as if not cleaner than when you found it.

    • Be Kind

      If there isn't much space on a table or near a piece of equipment you want to use, please be respectful of others' projects and materials. If someone has some items that could be affected, please don't work with cutting oils, charcoaled/burned materials, paint etc next to their items. Ask the other maker whether you can work there and explain what impact your work might have on their materials, or ask MakerSpace staff for help finding another surface you can work on.

      At no time is it okay to work on top of someone else's materials.

    • Respectful Behavior and Inclusivity

      In both in-person and electronic interactions, please behave respectfully, courteously, and professionally to your fellow members. There is ZERO tolerance for harassment or bigotry at the MakerSpace, including any and all shaming for lack of knowledge or lack of experience.

      If you find yourself a victim or witness anyone else being subject to inappropriate behavior, inform a staff member as soon as possible. Together, we will find a solution to make it stop.

    • Fail Forward

      We want you to feel supported and safe to pursue your projects and creative endeavors. If there is ever a time you are feeling lost, overwhelmed, under-trained, stuck, burnt out, or any manner of creatively blocked, we want you to know that there is not anything wrong with you - it is merely a part of the human experience, we have all had the same thing happen, and we want to help. Please never hesitate to reach out for assistance with anything you need help on.

    • Tolerance of Feedback

      Please be open to constructive feedback and curiosity from fellow members. As the culture of the MakerSpace is intended to promote collaboration, please assume positive and helpful intent if and when staff or other members ask questions or offer suggestions about any projects you are working on.

    • RFID Cards

      The MakerSpace can issue an RFID card to each member at their request, which enables and is required for access to some equipment, and facilitates a quicker sign-in and -out process.

      It is your responsibility to label your card to identify it as yours. You may not use another member's card without their consent.

      If your RFID card is misplaced, you may request and receive a replacement. Each additional replacement after the first will cost $5.

    • Privacy

      The MakerSpace is the sole owner of information collected on our membership forms and other documents. We only collect and have access to information you voluntarily give via direct contact. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone. We will not share your information with any third party outside of Mt. SAC unless all identifying information is removed.

      Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email to tell you about events, new services, or changes to our policies.

      We protect your information. Only MakerSpace and Mt. SAC staff who need your information to perform a specific job (e.g. customer service) are granted access to that information. The computers/servers on which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.