Mt. San Antonio College Mt. SAC Logo with Weaving Our Story Accreditation 2024 Logo

ACCJC Institutional Self-Evaluation 

Mt. SAC conducted a self-evaluation, wrote an Institutional Self-Evaluation (ISER) Report, and welcomed an Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) Peer Review Team to campus for a focused site visit. Team members appreciated the “Weaving our Story” theme and found the ISER to be a comprehensive, well written, document developed through broad participation by the entire College community including faculty, staff, students, and administration. The visit highlighted the incredible efforts and initiatives contributing to our commitment to ongoing reflection, academic excellence, and student success. 

2024 ACCJC Letter

2024 ACCJC Visiting Team Report

2024 Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER)

Your Feedback is Requested

Please take 5 minutes to complete an anonymous survey on your experience with the accreditation process to finalize the Mt. SAC 2024 ISER. Your input and ideas will inform the Accreditation Steering Committee so they can refine future accreditation processes. Questions about the survey: Patty Quinones. Questions about accreditation: Kelly Fowler, Barbara Mezaki, Allie Frickert, or Laura Martinez.
Thank you from the Accreditation Core Team!

  • Kelly Fowler – Vice President of Instruction; Accreditation Liaison Officer
  • Barbara Mezaki – Professor of American Language; Faculty Accreditation Coordinator
  • Allie Frickert – Professor of History; Faculty Assistant Accreditation Coordinator
  • Lianne Greenlee – Assistant Dean of Accreditation and Planning
  • Michelle Sampat Dean of Arts
  • Patty Quiñones – Director of Research and Institutional Effectiveness
  • Laura Martinez – Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Instruction


    • Accreditation Core Team
      • Kelly Fowler – Vice President of Instruction; Accreditation Liaison Officer
      • Barbara Mezaki – Professor of American Language; Faculty Accreditation Coordinator
      • Allie Frickert – Professor of History; Faculty Assistant Accreditation Coordinator
      • Lianne Greenlee – Assistant Dean of Accreditation and Planning
      • Michelle Sampat Dean of Arts
      • Patty Quiñones – Director of Research and Institutional Effectiveness
      • Laura Martinez – Executive Assistant to the Vice President of Instruction
    • Accreditation Steering Committee
      Title Employee Year
      Accreditation Liaison Officer/ Vice President, Instruction (Co-Chair) Kelly Fowler Ongoing
      Faculty Accreditation Coordinator (Co-Chair) (appointed by Academic Senate) Barbara Mezaki Ongoing
      Faculty Accreditation Assistant Co-Coordinator (appointed by Academic Senate) Allie Frickert Ongoing
      Director, Research and Institutional Effectiveness Patty Quinones Ongoing
      Director, Professional Organizational Development Lisa Rodriguez Ongoing
      Associate Vice President, School of Continuing Education or Designee Minerva Avila Ongoing
      Associate Vice President, Instruction Meghan Chen Ongoing
      Management from Student Services Koji Uesugi 2022-25
      Management from Administrative Services Michael Carr 2021-24
      Management from Human Resources Tika Dave-Harris 2021-24
      Academic Senate President or Designee Roger Willis 2021-24
      Faculty Association President or Designee Elizabeta Meyer 2022-25
      Classified Senate President or Designee Diana Dzib 2021-24
      CSEA 262 President or Designee Rosa Asencio 2022-25
      CSEA 651 President or Designee Robert Montoya 2021-24
      Students (Appointed by the Associated Students) Penny Peiying Feng 2022-23
      Outcomes Coordinator Kelly Coreas Ongoing
      Faculty Noncredit Member (Appointed by Academic Senate) L.E. Foisia 2020-23
      Faculty Member (Appointed by Academic Senate) Michelle Shear 2020-24


    • Timeline & Helpful Links
      • ISER Timeline Drafted
      • ISER draft revised
      • Update to Cabinet
      • Board certifies ISER 
      • Final ISER released to campus community and sent to ACCJC Commission by 8/1
      • Update to campus community at FLEX Day & CPD Day
      • Formative Review: Peer Review Team reviews ISER (10/18/23) and responds with Core Inquiries
      • Public Forum
      • ACCJC Commission Decision
    • Finishing Team Participants
      Standard Classified Professionals (35) Faculty (37) Administrators (35)
      I.A. Mission
      • Rosa Asencio, Career Center
      • Michael Engelhardt, Music
      • Missy Cunningham, Administration of Justice
      • Liza Becker, School of Continuing Education
      • Yen Mai, Marketing
      • Sara Plesetz (Lead), Technology & Health

      I.B. Assuring Academic Quality and Institutional Effectiveness

      • Eva Figueroa, Faculty Center for Learning Technology
      • Cathy Stute, Research & Institutional Effectiveness
      • Doris Torres, Research & Institutional Effectiveness
      • Stacy Bradshaw, Communication
      • Chris Jackson, Outcomes
      • Ken Klawitter, Speech Communication
      • Irving Lai, Math
      • Nathan Tharp, Music
      • Fawaz Al-Malood (Lead), Business
      • Minerva Avila, School of Continuing Education
      • Patty Quiñones, Research & Institutional Effectiveness

      I.C. Institutional Integrity

      • James Reed, Natural Sciences
      • Loralyn Isomura, Instruction
      • Malcolm Rickard, Physics
      • Kim Earhart, History
      • Sierra Powell, Political Science
      • Mark Cooper, Biology 
      • Tammy Knott-Silva (Lead), Kinesiology
      • Minerva Avila, School of Continuing Education
      • Sylvia Ruano, Instruction

      II.A. Instructional Programs

      • Irene Pinedo, Instruction
      • Victoria Abatay, Nursing
      • Kelly Coreas, Outcomes
      • L.E. Foisia, School of Continuing Education 
      • Scott Guth, Math
      • Zina McFarland-Stagg, School of Continuing Education 
      • Maura Palacios Mejia, Biology
      • Carmen Rexach, Biology
      • Denise Bailey, Natural Sciences
      • Katie Datko, Distance Learning
      • Michelle Sampat, Arts 
      • John Vitullo (Lead), Natural Sciences

      II.B. Library and Learning Support Services

      • Andrea Gonzales, Library/Learning Resources
      • Jannet Ortiz, Library/Learning Resources
      • Tiffany Rusich, School of Continuing Education
      • Kolap Samel, Library/Learning Resources
      • Pauline Swartz, Library/Learning Resources
      • Liza Becker, School of Continuing Education
      • Romelia Salinas (Lead), Library/Learning Resources

      II.C. Student Support Services

      • Maridelle Acero, Student Services
      • Cathi Hilario-Alvarado, Student Services
      • Gio Rodriguez, Student Life
      • Ana Uriarte, Admissions
      • Alixandria Lopez, Speech Forensics
      • Cameron Troxell, Math
      • Lesley Johnson, School of Continuing Education
      • Tom Mauch (Lead), Student Services 
      • Koji Uesugi, Student Services

      III.A. Human Resources

      • Elizabeth Jauregui, Human Resources
      • Mary McGee, Business
      • Maile Murillo, Human Resources
      • Sangvan Thaysangkram, Humanities
      • Carolyn Lake-Bain, Counseling
      • Emily Woolery, Library/Learning Resources
      • Jennifer Galbraith, Business
      • Tami Pearson, School of Continuing Education
      • Ryan Wilson (Lead), Human Resources

      III.B. Physical Resources

      • Cathy Hayward, Design and Construction
      • Frances Loera, Library/Learning Resources
      • Caitlin Rodriguez, Design and Construction
      • James Stone, Political Science
      • Joe Jennum, Kinesiology
      • Gary Nellesen (Lead), Facilities Planning
      • Tami Pearson, School of Continuing Education

      III.C. Technology Resources

      • Tom Cao, Information Technology
      • Kate Morales, Information Technology
      • Krystal Yeo, School of Continuing Education
      • Richard Genovese, Fire Technology
      • Hong Guo, Library/Learning Resources
      • Fawaz Al-Malood, Business
      • Anthony Moore (Lead), Information Technology
      • Chris Schroeder, Information and Data Security

      III.D. Financial Resources

      • Rajni Chawla, Child Development Center
      • Julie Moreno, Fiscal Services
      • Yadira Santiago, Administrative Services
      • Martha Hall, Math
      • Ralph Jagodka, Business
      • Mary McGuire, Art History
      • Masoud Roueintan, Chemistry
      • Sam Agdasi, Technology & Health
      • Madelyn Arballo, School of Continuing Education
      • Morris Rodrigue (Co-Lead), Administrative Services
      • Rosa Royce (Co-Lead), Fiscal Services
      • Marisa Ziegenhohn, Fiscal Services

      IV.A. Decision-Making Roles and Processes

      • Marlene Espina, Professional Development
      • Kim Garcia, Arts
      • Marcell Gilmore, Research & Institutional Effectiveness
      • Carol Nelson, Presidents Office
      • Cynthia Orr, Marketing


      • Tamra Horton, English
      • Phil Wolf, Physics
      • Madelyn Arballo, School of Continuing Education
      • Karelyn Hoover, Humanities
      • Michelle Sampat (Lead), Arts
      • Juan Mendoza, Student Trustee

      IV.B. Chief Executive Officer

      • Brigitte Hebert, Presidents Office
      • Beta Meyer, Biology
      • Madelyn Arballo (Lead), School of Continuing Education
      • Meghan Chen, Instruction
      • Jill Dolan, Public Affairs
      • Kelly Fowler (Lead), Instruction
      • Adrienne Price, Grants

      IV.C. Governing Board

      • Liz Callahan, Instruction
      • Yvette Garcia, Events Services
      • Jessica Jun, Nursing
      • Karen Schnurbusch, Physics
      • Carola Wright, Biology
      • Nicole Blean, Writing Center 
      • Lance Heard (Lead), Humanities
    • Resource Committees/Councils

      Thank you to the members of these committees and councils who participated in providing ISER input, content, and evidence.  As part of an inclusive effort, the Accreditation Steering Committee aligned the work of Mt. SAC committees and councils with ACCJC Standards. 

      Mt. SAC Committee/Council Topical Alignment
      Assessment & Matriculation Committee Matriculation Processes and Support including admissions, assessment, orientation, counseling, and follow-up
      Budget Committee Policies and procedures relating to budget planning and all aspects of College finances
      Campus Equity and Diversity Committee Structured dialogue on student equity, campus climate, and support for a diverse employee workforce
      Classified Professional Development Committee Professional development for classified personnel
      Climate Commitment and Environmental Justice Committee Sustainable, inclusive, and equitable practices in support of the College mission and core values
      Curriculum and Instruction Council  Curriculum, educational design, and instructional delivery policies and procedures
      Distance Learning Committee Distance education policies and practices
      Educational Design Committee Technical review of courses and programs to meet regulations
      Equivalency Committee Equivalencies and Minimum Qualifications for faculty in consistent with requirements and guidelines
      Facilities Advisory Committee Facilities resources and planning
      Faculty Professional Development Council Professional development for faculty in alignment with the College priorities and mission
      Guided Pathways Cross-Council Committee  Equitable student learning and achievement through Guided Pathways planning, assessment, policies, and procedures
      Health & Safety Committee Education and resources related to physical, mental health, and safety for the College
      Information Technology Advisory Committee Development, integration, application, and delivery of College information and instructional technologies
      Institutional Effectiveness Committee Processes related to institutional planning and assessment, evaluation, and institutional effectiveness
      Insurance Committee Employee and retiree benefits
      Management Professional Development Committee Professional development for administrative leadership
      Mapping and Catalog Committee College Catalog
      Outcomes Committee Outcomes assessment at the course, program, and institutional levels
      Planning Institutional Effectiveness Committee Processes related to program review
      Police and Campus Safety Advisory Committee Communication and collaboration on campus safety policies, procedures, and training
      President’s Advisory Council Overall strategic planning for the College consistent with the College’s Mission, Vision, and Core Values: directly advising the College President on policy and governance
      Professional Development Council Policies, practices, and planning guiding professional development for all employee groups
      Retention and Persistence Committee Planning and coordination of programs, services, and interventions which support student retention, persistence, and success
      Student Equity Committee (and SEAP) College efforts to increase student success by strengthening and improving the delivery of instruction and services for students
      Student Preparation, Equity, And Achievement Council Policies and procedures that support racial justice, and lead to student equity, access, achievement, preparation, and success 
      Textbook and Instructional Materials Committee Equitable practices involving the adoption of textbooks and instructional materials 
      VOICES Committee Employee recognition and well-being in alignment with the College mission
    • Accreditation Technical Support Team
      • Jeffrey George – Web Designer
      • Lee Jones – Manager, Technical Support
      • Eric Turner – Assistant Director, Web and Portal Services
      • Michael Carr – Director, Academic Technology
      • John Lewallen – Coordinator, Graphic Design
      • Kevin Buriel – Student, Accessibility Support
      • David Buriel-Vasquez – Student, Accessibility Support
      • Gabriela Liera – Student, Accessibility Support
      • Bryyan Ruiz – Student, Accessibility Support
    • Weaving Team Participants
      Standard Classified Professionals (25) Faculty (26) Administrators (33) Students (17)
      I.A. Mission
      • Robert Stubbe, Information Technology
      • Roger Willis, Academic Senator
      • Madelyn Arballo, School of Continuing Education
      • Patty Quiñones, Research & Institutional Effectiveness
      • Carlos Romero (21-22)

      I.B. Assuring Academic Quality and Institutional Effectiveness

      • Annel Medina Tagarao, Research & Institutional Effectiveness
      • Cathy Stute, Research & Institutional Effectiveness ·
      • Pedro Suarez, Information Technology
      • Loni Nyguen, Biology
      • Bruce Nixon, Mental Health
      • Landry Chaplot, School of Continuing Education
      • Eloise Reyes, Counseling/ACCESS
      • Chris Jackson, Kinesiology
      • Jennifer Hinostroza, Horticulture
      • Eric Lara, Student Success and Equity
      • Rosa Royce, Fiscal Services
      • Patty Quiñones, Research & Institutional Effectiveness
      • John Vitullo, Natural Sciences
      • Amber Nuno (21-22)
      • Matthew Sosa (21-22)

      I.C. Institutional Integrity

      • Marcell Gilmore, Research & Institutional Effectiveness
      • John Lewallen, Marketing
      • Sara Mestas, Counseling
      • Loni Nguyen, Biology
      • Michelle Shear, Dance
      • Beta Meyer, Biology
      • Nicole Blean, Writing Center
      • Meghan Chen, Instruction
      • Karelyn Hoover, Humanities
      • Tammy Knott-Silva, Kinesiology
      • Sylvia Ruano, Instruction
      • Eric Claudino, AS Senate (21-22)
      • Courtney Larrabee, AS Senate (21-22)

      II.A. Instructional Programs

      • Lesley Cheng, School of Continuing Education
      • Irene Pinedo, Instruction
      • Kelly Coreas, Respiratory Tech
      • Carol Impara, Consumer Science and Design Tech
      • Loni Nguyen, Biology
      • Meghan Chen, Instruction
      • Sylvia Ruano, Instruction
      • Michelle Sampat, Arts
      • Chloe Kim, Student Equity and AS Justice (21-22)
      • Gavin Ong, AS VP and Activities Senator (21-22)

      II.B. Library and Learning Support Services

      • Crystal Mejia, Library/Learning Resources
      • Krystal Yeo, School of Continuing Education
      • Monika Chavez, Library/Learning Resources
      • Dianne Rowley, Learning Assistance
      • Pauline Swartz, Library/Learning Resources
      • Kristina Alvarado, Learning Assistance
      • Nicole Blean, Writing Center
      • John Cardenas, Tutorial Services
      • Katie Datko, Distance Learning/Instructional Tech
      • Romelia Salinas, Library/Learning Resources
      • Carlos Santana, Academic Support
      • Susan Ramuco-Elicerio, Textbooks and Instructional Materials Committee (21-22)
      • Carlos Romero, Basic Needs Committee (21-22)

      II.C. Student Support Services

      • Maridelle Acero, Student Services
      • Alex Brambila, EOPS
      • Lisa Didonato, Research & Institutional Effectiveness
      • Jason Hayward, Counseling
      • Sara Mestas, Counseling
      • LaTesha Hagler, CalWORKs
      • Tom Mauch, Student Services
      • Tami Pearson, School of Continuing Education
      • Audrey Yamagata-Noji, Student Services
      • Arturo Nava (21-22)

      III.A. Human Resources

      • Elda Blount, Professional Development
      • Crystal Granados, Human Resources
      • Cara Tan, Psychology
      • Ryan Wilson, Human Resources

      III.B. Physical Resources

      • Jason DeArmond, Custodial Services
      • George Gutierrez, Custodial Services
      • Cathy Hayward, Design and Construction
      • Robert Montoya, Grounds
      • Felipe Ramos, Grounds
      • Caitlin Rodriguez, Design and Construction
      • Anthony Stanisci, Custodial Services
      • Gabriel Tinoco, Carpenter
      • Tania Anders, Geology and Oceanography
      • Gary Nellesen, Facilities Planning
      • Ken Bohan, Maintenance and Operations
      • Eera Babtiwale, Sustainability
      • Duetta Wasson, Risk Management
      • Nafiseh Kaeni, Design and Construction
      • Rebecca Contreras, Facilities Advisory Committee (21-22)
      • Janet Ceja (21-22)

      III.C. Technology Resources

      • Kate Morales, Information Technology
      • Joe Vasquez, Information Technology
      • Krupa Patel, Information Technology
      • Jaishri Meta, Computer Information Systems
      • Jean Metter, Consumer Science and Design Tech
      • Rich Patterson, Computer Information Systems
      • Anthony Moore, Information Technology
      • Chris Schroeder, Information and Data Security
      • Mark Lowentrout, Arts
      • Michael Carr, Academic Technology
      • Monica Cantu-Chan, IT Project Implementation
      • John Uy, Information Technology Advisory Committee (21-22)

      III.D. Financial Resources

      • Brandon Gillett, Business Division
      • Phil Wolf, Physics/Engineering
      • Emily Woolery, Library/Learning Resources
      • Morris Rodrigue, Administrative Services
      • Rosa Royce, Fiscal Services
      • Anqi Zhao (21-22)
      • An Ha, AS (21-22)

      IV.A. Decision-Making Roles and Processes

      • Gloria Munguia, Student Services
      • Chisa Uyeki, Library/Learning Resources
      • Rosa Royce, Fiscal Service
      • Valerie Menna (21-22)

      IV.B. Chief Executive Officer

      • Yvette Garcia, Event Services
      • Brigitte Hebert, Presidents Office
      • Emily Woolery, Library/Learning Resources
      • Madelyn Arballo, School of Continuing Education
      • An Ha, AS (21-22)(22-23)

      IV.C. Governing Board

      • Liz Callahan, Instruction
      • Tamra Horton, English
      • Koji Uesugi, Student Service
      • Juan Mendoza, Student Trustee (21-22)
    • Weaving our Story: Slogan Winner Aida Cuenza-Uvas