Mt. SAC Important Message

Mt. SAC Alert #3: Building 26A is also impacted by a partial power outage. Classes in Buildings 26A, 26B, 26C and 26D are canceled for the rest of the day. Employees should take direction from their direct managers. All operations will resume as regularly scheduled tomorrow. Classes are operating as scheduled in all other buildings.


Tutor Training Tutor Training Logo 

TUTR 10A - Introduction to Tutoring

Introduction to tutoring, with an emphasis on tutoring strategies, problem solving, and working with a diverse student population.

TUTR 10B - Tutoring in the English Language

Tutoring in the English language with an emphasis on approaches to working with students on written drafts and addressing the needs of non-native speakers.

TUTR 10C - Tutoring as a Supplemental Instructor

Tutoring as a Supplemental Instructor with an emphasis on tutoring in the classroom and in small groups under the supervision of a designated instructor.

TUTR 10D - Tutoring in Mathematics

Tutoring in mathematics with an emphasis on strategies to promote active learning.

TUTR 10R - Tutoring in Reading

Application of strategic reading processes and approaches to reading tutoring. Prepares students to become tutors for reading.