Mt. SAC Important Message

Mt. SAC Alert #3: Building 26A is also impacted by a partial power outage. Classes in Buildings 26A, 26B, 26C and 26D are canceled for the rest of the day. Employees should take direction from their direct managers. All operations will resume as regularly scheduled tomorrow. Classes are operating as scheduled in all other buildings.

Achievement Workshops

Achievement Workshops

ASAC's Achievement Workshops are designed to help students succeed in their classes. The workshops are facilitated by Mt. SAC Learning Assistance professors via Zoom. Topics include student success/study skills and technology tools

Instructions for Attending Workshops


    • 1ADD WORKSHOP CRN: 24457(FALL 2024)
      1. Go to your Mt. SAC Portal
      2. Add the Fall 2024 workshop CRN: 24457

        If you receive a "duplicate" error message during registration, please re-enter the CRN.  Note that it could take up to 24 hours for the workshop course module to show up in your portal

        This is a non-credit CRN and will not affect your GPA.

      1. Go to Canvas and click the Student Achievement Workshop course (BS-LRN 50) in your dashboard.

        Student Achievement Workshop Canvas cours card

      2. Click on "View Course Calendar" (top right).

        registration screenshot

      3. Click "Find Appointment."

        registration screenshot

      4. In the pop-up window, select "Achievement Workshops" or its corresponding course description (BS-LRN50).

        registration screenshot

      5. Select the workshop day and time that you would like to attend.

        registration screenshot

      6. At the bottom of the pop-up window, click "Reserve."
      7. The Workshop Zoom link will be listed in the appointment description. Go to this link on the day of the workshop.

        registration screenshot
      • Online:
        • Click on the URL listed in the calendar to attend the workshop online.
        • Upon entrance to the Zoom room, inform the attendant on the “ASAC Online Virtual Front Desk” that you are there to attend the workshop.

      • In-Person:
        Students who lack technology access or skills can request an in-person appointment by emailing
  • Printable instruction sheet for attending achievement workshops.

  • Please log in five minutes early to avoid technical difficulties affecting your ability to join or delays in entering. Late entries may not be admitted if workshop is full or already started.

  • If the desired workshop is not on the current schedule, you can still access the information provided through related links at the top of the home page of the Canvas course shell.

  • Please note that the course shell and course number will change each semester and will thus require re-registration each semester.

  • Students who lack computer access or are not familiar on how to use technology may request for an appointment. For more information or assistance, please contact us at LALI@MTSAC.EDU or (909) 274-4300


Workshop Topics

    • Student Success/Study Skills

      Academic Mindset:

      Your mindset is your foundation for resilience and persistence. This workshop is an introduction to understanding how your beliefs affect the way you think and react, as well as introduce strategies to increase academic success.

      Asking for Help in Academics:

      This workshop will help participants identify and articulate what they need, identify
      where to turn for assistance, and explore reasons why some people have difficulty asking
      for help.

      Boundaries for Academic Success:

      Learn about personal boundaries and how they affect your academic success. Boundaries are ‘what is ok and not ok,’ and knowing when and where to set limits. Learn to identify different types of boundaries.  Receive tips for improving your personal boundaries so you can have more time to get your homework done and achieve your academic goals.

      Clarify Priorities for Academics:

      Prioritizing is about deciding what is important and what is not; deciding what can wait and what can’t, and what should be done first, second, third, etc.  Too often students get overwhelmed when they have too much going on in their lives and thus have difficulty getting their homework and other important activities done. Learn how to identify your own priorities so you can become more effective in your academic goals.

      Coping Strategies for Academics:

      Learn about five different types of coping mechanisms and five maladaptive coping mechanisms and how to apply those principles to your school success.

      Critical Thinking in Academics:

      This workshop helps participants to understand the similarities and differences in critical thinking and critical reading. They will identify their own strengths and weaknesses in critical reading, and apply their own critical thinking skills to how they comprehend higher education readings.

      Emotional Intelligence in Academics:

      Students who are better able to understand and manage their emotions effectively, a skill known as emotional intelligence, show a higher level of academic success. This workshop brings the concept of grit and emotional intelligence together with strategies to manage emotions and improve quality of life and learning.

      Finals Exam First Aid:

      Final exams aren’t just another test. They draw upon your knowledge from the entire semester, and you have to take a bunch of them at once. Depending how your finals are weighted, your final exam grade could even mean the difference between an A and a C on your transcript.

      Goal Setting in Academics:

      Setting and achieving goals is a life skill that helps people get what they want out of life, including college. Learning how to set effective short-term and long-term SMART goals will help ensure that you complete your class assignments, thus passing your classes and achieving your educational and career goals. Receive tools, resources, and tips to help you develop and improve your goal setting skills, and thus help improve your academic success. 

      Know Your Audience:

      Knowing how to identify your audience and tailor your message accordingly is a fundamental part of effective communication. It is also an essential skill expected of people who attend college. Workshop participants will learn why it is important to tailor their message to their audience, consequences of not tailoring their message, what tailoring the message involves, receive tips for identifying their audience, and steps to take when tailoring the message. Participants will also receive referrals to resources on campus that can help students them tailor an effective message for their audience.

      Learning Styles & Strategies:

      There are many ways to teach and learn, and several things that affect the learning process. Learning is required throughout life, and a person’s ability to learn will impact his/her academic and career success. Learn about theories related to how people take in, process, and apply new knowledge. Take an assessment to identify your preferred sensory style of receiving new information, and will receive strategies and tips for utilizing those preferred ways of learning.

      Locus of Control:

      Learn about Locus of Control (LOC) and how it affects your success at achieving your goals. Take a survey to identify where you are on the LOC Scale. Receive tools and tips for increasing your internal LOC.

      Memory Techniques:

      This workshop provides a comparison and contrast between short-term memory and long-term memory. It also provides an opportunity to review and practice memory techniques.

      Monthly Follow-up: Process and Progress:

      This workshop provides an opportunity for students to share and listen to others’ progress implementing strategies presented in previous workshops. Our focus is on students as academics and as individuals, interconnected with the world.

      Needs and Wants in Academics:

      Learning to distinguish the difference between what you need from what you want at a given time is a fundamental life skill that can impact so many areas of your life, including academics. Developing this skill also impacts other life skills such as time management, overcoming procrastination, prioritizing, boundary setting, managing expectations, and goal setting, coping strategies, and having an internal Locus of Control. When students can recognize the difference between needs vs wants, they find it easier channel their energies in the right direction so they can do what they need to in order to get what they want from school and life.

      Notetaking Essentials:

      Increase your understanding of lectures and remember more material by developing effective note taking skills. Improve your listening skills. Learn to recognize what information to take down, and not take down. Identify different note-taking styles, and one's own preferred note taking style.

      Organize Your Semester:

      Understanding the connection between life organization skills and academic success by adopting a set of tools and techniques, along with a self-care mindset, can ease the stress and challenges students face in higher education

      Overcoming Procrastination:

      Students who tend to struggle with procrastination suffer from undue stress because they often put things off, produce lower quality work, and miss deadlines. Learn why people procrastinate and receive some tips for overcoming this habit, and thus become more

      Pass Quizzes & Tests:

      Learn effective test strategies, develop coping strategies for managing test anxiety, and identify your own strengths and weaknesses and improve your and develop regarding test preparation skills.

      Power of Expectations in Academics:

      Expectations can provide motivation to succeed in your goals or interfere with your success. Spend time exploring how expectations affect your academic success and discover resources that can help you manage both positive and negative expectations to help you succeed in your classes, school, and life.

      Remember What You Read:

      Improve your ability to understand, remember, and recall what you learn while reading classroom texts. Discover tools, techniques, tips and other resources for making your reading efforts more productive and efficient.

      Success in Everyday Life:

      Life struggles and challenges in higher education are a part of life. This workshop shares how prioritizing obligations, managing expectations and conflicts, and setting boundaries, can balance life areas in order to achieve academic goals that contribute to personal success.

      Time Management:

      Taking control of how we spend our time is the first step towards academic and personal success. Given our busy schedules, this workshop lays out 5 steps we can follow to set ourselves up for success.  (1) We simply choose the appropriate number of classes.  (2) We budget the appropriate number of hours to devote outside of class.  For the remaining hours of our waking day, we (3) organize our time, (4) make daily time-saving choices, and (5) set priorities. Once we manage our time efficiently, we can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a more balanced lifestyle of our own creation.

      Visual Learning Strategies:

      This workshop takes the “Learning Styles & Strategies” workshop to the next level regarding visual learning strategies. Today’s technology-based world makes it easier to find and create visual resources that support students’ ability to remember, understand, apply, analyze and create through the use of demonstration, videos, charts, graphs, and more.

      Welcome Back to Mt. SAC:

      Students returning to campus after a gap are likely to face many academic challenges. Learn to identify those challenges and discover many resources available to all students to help them stay on track and succeed in their students.

    • Technology-Based

      Create a LinkedIn Profile:

      Introduction to LinkedIn, its purpose and use. Receive information and resources to help you know the basics of setting up this professional social media profile. The 2-hour hands-on lab section will provide students with an opportunity to create their LinkedIn profile and receive real-time feedback. Must bring a current copy of your resume to the hands-on lab workshop.

      Find Technology Help:

      Having trouble working with technology-related issues? Technology problems can include: hardware issues (laptops, tablets, hotspots, etc.), Mt. SAC resources (website, portal, email, etc.). online learning software (Canvas, Zoom, etc.), productivity software (Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Google Suite: Docs, Sheets, Slides, Gmail, etc.), Internet/Cloud software (web browsers, Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.) Social media (LinkedIn, etc.) discipline-specific software (Statview, Autocad, Adobe Creative Cloud Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.), and/or accessibility-related software (Otter, Screen Reader, etc.). There are several types of help available to students. This workshop will introduce students to options available to help students succeed in their online life and school. Help options include: Online resources, workshops, ‘how to’ videos, individualized tech support, campus computer labs, and free/discount purchase.

      Link Your Emails:

      Ensure you receive important information quickly from Mt. SAC by linking your email accounts to receive all your messages. The campus, your instructors, Police & Campus Safety Office, Student Services offices, and any special programs you may belong to, will use your official campus email account to contact you with important information. Learn how to forward your official campus email account to your preferred personal email account so you don’t miss important messages. Also learn how to sign up for emergency alerts from the Police & Campus Safety Office to make sure you immediately know what is going on.

      Microsoft Office vs Google Suite:

      This workshop provides a comparison and contrast between the two primary software 'bundle' packages used by Mt. SAC faculty, students and staff, to allow individuals to decide which package they prefer to use. It also provides more detailed information about both packages to help individuals become familiar with the bundled package programs of their choice.

      Navigating Canvas:

      Are you taking an online or hybrid class? Is your instructor requiring you to use Canvas to submit homework? This workshop will introduce students the basics of Canvas and offer resources to help you succeed.

      Navigating Mt. SAC Online:

      Learn how to navigate Mt. SAC’s technology to find information you need to survive and thrive in school. Discover how the main website, online catalog, portal and Mountie app can help you get information, help, and how to solve problems.

      Presentation Tools (Microsoft PowerPoint and Other Presentation Software):

      Presentation software programs are easy-to-use and allow a presenter to professionally and visually present their ideas. This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of presentation software such as PowerPoint, offer tips for creating professional presentations, options for accessing these software programs, and resources for getting help with using it.

      Social Media in the Workplace:

      Understand what the term "online presence" means and how it relates to your professional life. Understand what to do and not to do with social media, and gain some strategies for building your personal and professional brands.

      Spreadsheet Tools (Microsoft Excel and Other Spreadsheet Programs):

      Make keeping track of large amounts of numerical and non-numerical information efficient and professional looking by using MS Excel and other popular spreadsheet software programs. Receive tips to increase your efficiency. Learn about on- and off-campus resources to address your spreadsheet needs.

      T.I. Calculator Stat Training

      This introduction to the TI 83/84 calculator uses practice problems to solve order of operations and statistics problems with the TI 83/84 calculator. 

      Word Processing Tools (Microsoft Word and Other Word Processing Programs):

      Make writing your research papers easier by learning how to automatically format your documents to MLA, APA or other format standards in MS Word and other popular word processing software programs. Receive tips to increase your efficiency. Learn about on- and off-campus resources to address your word processing needs.

    • Downloadable Topic List
Lab Instr. Contact

Fall 2024: M-Th: 9AM-7PM / F-Sat: 9AM-4PM
Bldg. 6-121C / Canvas
(909) 274-6309
Lab Instructor Directory

Achievement Workshops