
The WC Computer Lab 

The computers in the lab are reserved for Mt. SAC students. This means that students will be able to use a computer if they are seeing a writing specialist, working on a DLA or other grammar software, attending a workshop, or doing homework. Students need to register at the front desk with our writing center liaisons (every semester) for WC services, including the computer lab.  Printing at the Wepa station does not require any kind of registration.

Our computers feature word processing and spreadsheet software (MS Office 365 Suite), internet research capability, access to library databases, and grammar-learning software (Writer's Resources). Students can work with these programs on a self-study basis or at the direction of a WC staff member. Software titles available in the Writing Center's computer lab include Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe Acrobat, and others. 

Please read through our Practices and Procedures of the Writing Center, including the Computer Lab if you have any questions.

  Writing Center Computer LabWC lab

  wepa station