
Your Guide To Student Success at Mt. SAC

(A) The 8 Easy Steps to Enroll

  1. Complete and submit a Mt. SAC Admission Application online at method) or in person at Admissions. Claim your account. Activate your student account at using your assigned username.
  2. Apply for Financial Aid. Visit the Financial Aid Office or call (909) 274-4450. You can also go to
  3. Attend assessment test information sessions. Go to the Assessment Center or call (909) 274-4265.
  4. Make an appointment for the required English, reading, and/or math placement tests. Go to the Assessment Center or call (909) 274-4265.
  5. Make an appointment for the mandatory New Student Orientation. Go to the Counseling Office or call (909) 274-4380.
  6. Meet with Counseling to get an Education Plan
  7. Register for classes online. Register based on your assigned registration date/time found in your Mt. SAC Portal.
  8. Pay your fees online with a credit card or in person at the Cashier’s Office Bldg. 4.

(B) Start Classes!

After you pay your fees:

  • Get student ID at the Bookstore( Sac Book Rac), Bldg. 9A.
  • Purchase a parking permit online Student Portal, Student Tab Number 31 or at the Cashier's Office Bldg. 9A lower level, (909) 274-4960.
    Bus passes may be purchased at the Bookstore,(Sac Book Rac) Bldg 9A, (909) 274-4960
  • Print your class schedule. Pay attention to important dates such as adding, dropping, and refunds.
  • During the first 2 weeks of the semester, arrive at school 1 hour prior to class to find parking and classrooms.
  • Buy your textbooks.
  • Check your Mt. SAC Portal regularly for personal announcements and emails.
  • Go to class and meet your professor.
  • Attend the first class to ensure your seat. If you miss the first class session, you may be dropped.
  • Review the class schedule for important dates.

(C) Get Support!

Get Support

(D) Graduate / Transfer!

  • Meet with a counselor/advisor to develop an educational plan.
  • Meet with a counselor/advisor to perform a “grad check.”
  • File a graduation petition form with Admissions & Records.

(E) Directory of Services

Phone Directory and Locations



This guide is sponsored by a U.S. Department of Education Title V Hispanic Serving Institutions Grant