
A circle of students discussing course material in their classroom.

Inclusive Teaching in Honors

The Mt. SAC Honors Program is committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, and Justice.  In this vein, we have compiled a list of resources that may prove helpful for faculty members wish to learn more about inclusive teaching strategies.  Below are some links that we hope are useful to you in creating and fostering a community in your classroom (and beyond) where all students feel welcomed, respected, and understood.  

  1. Mt. SAC Honors Program “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Justice in Honors Statement” statement.
  2. What is inclusive teaching?
    Inclusive teaching describes the student-centered pedagogical approaches to teaching that consider the diverse needs, backgrounds, and experiences of ALL students to create a learning environment where all students feel valued, respected, and where all students have equal access to learn.
  3. Websites on Inclusive Teaching

Association of College and University Educator’s inclusive teaching practices toolkit

5 Principles as Pathways to Inclusive Teaching

The Chronicle of Higher Education “How to make your teaching more inclusive”

McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning “Inclusive teaching strategies”

Center for Teaching Innovation at Cornell University
This link includes considerations for inclusive teaching strategies, personal reflection questions, and solid rationale for why these inclusive strategies are needed.