
Specialized Student Support Services

Mt. San Antonio Colleve offers enrichment programs for students in all different types of situations, and from all different types of backgrounds. If you find yourself in need of support, encouragement, camaraderie, resources, or aide, please engage with one or more of the following student support services.

    • ACCESS

      ACCESS provide counseling, instruction, and accommodations for students with disabilities and medical conditions. For more information visit here.

    • ACES

      The ACES Program at Mt. San Antonio College provides college advisement and services in a challenging, encouraging and supportive manner to a diverse group of first-generation, and/or low income or disabled students, such that all students will graduate and/or transfer to a four-year college or university. For more information visit here.

    • ARISE

      Arise is a community of students from diverse cultures coming together to lift up one another and rise above all sorts of challenges to reach their fullest potential. An Asian American and Pacific Islander student support service, we have a dedicated support team empower Arise students to achieve success academically and personally. For more information visit here.

    • ASPIRE (Umoja)

      Aspire is a dynamic program designed to provide essential educational support and services to increase the academic success, retention, degree completion, and transfer rates of African-American and other students enrolled at Mt. San Antonio College. We accomplish this through monthly workshops, academic counseling, and learning communities. Our aim is to develop a sense of “community” among African-American students, other students, faculty, staff and administrators. For more information visit here.

    • Basic Needs

      The Mt. SAC Mountie Fresh Basic Needs Resources is a comprehensive campus-wide effort that serves students experiencing housing instability, food insecurity, and other emergency/crisis situations. The program goals are to provide students in need with: Food Resources, Housing Referrals, Case-Management Support. For more information visit here.

    • BRIDGE

      The Bridge Program is a student support program that offers several learning communities designed to increase students' academic and personal success. Students participating in a learning community are enrolled in linked or clustered classes that are taught in a cooperative environment between instructors. For more information visit here.

    • CalWORKS

      The CalWORKs program provides educational/training assistance to student-parents who are receiving TANF. The program assists students in entering the workforce at the highest level possible,  leading to increased self-sufficiency and individual  growth. Support services include academic counseling, case management, childcare,  and work-study. For more information visit here.

    • CARE
      • Academic and personal counseling
      • Tutoring
      • Educational Planning
      • CARE Book/Supply Service
      • Priority Registration
      • CARE Educational Grants

      For more information visit here.


    • El Centro

      The mission of El Centro is to unite all cultural backgrounds, Latinx and Chicanx; to support, educate, and assist students in completing their educational goals while providing cultural enrichment, and solidarity between Mt. SAC’s students and surrounding communities. For more information visit here.

    • DHH

      This cultural and academic center provides a space for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students to receive   the support needed to be successful at Mt. SAC.  The Center has a variety of services for Deaf students including Deaf mentoring, workshops, interpreting, CART transcription and notetaking services. We are proud to be the only California community college with a dedicated Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Center. For more information

    • DREAM

      The Dream Program provides support to DREAMers (undocumented students) at Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC). Our purpose is to increase the personal growth and development of undocumented students through academic, career, and personal counseling; peer mentoring; assistance with applying for the California Dream Act/Financial Aid and scholarship opportunities; and providing immigration legal services and workshops regarding DACA and other matters relative to this student population. For more information visit here.

    • EOPS

      Utilizing a student-centered approach, Mt. SAC’s EOPS/CARE program provides over and above personalized ongoing comprehensive Support services to historically underrepresented and low-socioeconomic students in order to increase their sense of belonging, self-efficacy and awareness of opportunities to help students achieve their academic and personal goals. For more information visit here.

    • International Student Program

      Just 25 miles east of Los Angeles, Mt. SAC ranks among America's top-tier degree-awarding institutions. Mt. SAC is the gateway to top public and private universities like UCLA and USC. Our international students thrive at Mt. SAC, because we provide over 200 degree and career programs, academic support services and cultural activities that enrich the college experience. For more information visit here.

    • Minority Male Initiative

      At Minority Male Initiative, we inspire and motivate students to see their potential in education as a lifelong career by aspiring towards their academic/educational goals. We do this through collaborative study halls, subject based help, career exploration trips, and much more. For more information visit here.

    • Pride Center (LGTBQ+)

      The Mt. SAC Pride Center is a resource center and lounge space serving the LGBTQ+ community of Mt. San Antonio College. Our mission is to provide an inclusive and safe space for all members of the LGBTQ+ community through our resources such as academic help, group therapy, identity discussion groups, and an on-sight therapist. For more information visit here.

    • Promise+Plus Program

      The Promise+Plus Program is a combination of financial and support services to help first-time, college students be successful in their first two years of college. The program is for California Residents/AB540 eligible, first-time college students, that have never attended college (excluding Dual/Concurrent enrollment, Special Admit). Interested students must start their college experience at Mt. SAC in the Summer term through either the Summer Bridge or STEP Into College program. Eligible summer program students that complete the participation requirements, will start receiving benefits in their first Fall semester. For more information visit here

    • REACH

      The REACH Program at Mt. San Antonio College is an educational program to assist current and former foster youth in their transition into college.  REACH provides assistance and support to foster youth students while attending Mt SAC and as they transfer to a university. For more information visit here.

    • Rising Scholars Program

      The Rising Scholars Program at Mt. San Antonio College looks to assist students impacted by the criminal justice system through education. Students can choose between four (4) educational pathways that would best fit their strengths, desires, & educational/ career goals. The four pathways are High School Diploma/ GED Completion Pathway, Career & Technology Pathway, Associates Degrees Pathway, and/or Four-Year College Transfer Pathway. Our mission is to ensure you achieve your educational goals and feel supported along your way. For more information visit here.


    • Veterans Resource Center

      The Veterans Resource Center provides assistance to Veterans and eligible dependents seeking educational and/or vocational training under Title 38, United States Code, chapters 30, 31, 33, 35, 1606, and 1607. The College cooperates with the Veterans Administration and with the California State Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation in helping Veterans and dependents apply for Federal and state educational benefits.  Our staff is here to assist student Veterans and eligible dependents and to make appropriate referrals regarding educational benefits. For more information visit here.

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