P2 Success Workshop Coming Soon
Ready to be Reinstated? Workshops begin in May 2024

Probation & Dismissal

Welcome! Your success is our passion! We understand that different factors impact everyone’s lives, and these factors may have affected your experience at Mt. SAC. You may have struggled with personal challenges, financial hardships, health issues, motivation, and other circumstances. These experiences often affect academic performance, and you may be among some of our students who find themselves in this situation.

We want to offer you every opportunity to be successful and reach your true potential. Being here and learning what to do next is your first step back to Good Standing and accomplishing your academic goals at Mt. SAC!

      • How Do I Find My Academic Standing?

        Go to the Probation and Dismissal Policy link to learn more about where you stand. You can find your academic standing by looking for your ‘Last Academic Standing’ on your transcript. Go to the student tab of your portal to access your unofficial transcript (#18). 

        Probation Standing

      • Probation Level 1

        Academic Probation - occurs at the end of the first semester when you have attempted at least 12 units and earned a cumulative Mt. SAC grade point average (GPA) below 2.0, or

        Progress Probation - occurs at the end of the first semester when you have enrolled in at least 12 units and earned 50% or more units of Withdrawal (W), Incomplete (I), and/or No Pass (NP/NPV).

        Excused Withdrawals (EW) do not affect your probation standing.

      • Continued Probation (Level 2)

        Continued Academic Probation - occurs when when you continue to have a cumulative Mt. SAC GPA below 2.0, or

        Continued Progress Probation - occurs when you continue to have 50% or more units of Withdrawal (W), Incomplete (I), and/or No Pass (NP/NPV).

        Excused Withdrawals (EW) do not affect your probation standing.

      • Dismissal (Level 3)

        Academic Dismissal: occurs after the 3rd consecutive semester in which your cumulative Mt. SAC GPA remains below 2.0, or 

        Progress Dismissal: occurs after the 3rd consecutive semester in which you continue to have 50% or more units of Withdrawal (W), Incomplete (I), and/or No Pass (NP/NPV).

        Excused Withdrawals (EW) do not affect your probation standing.  

      • Probation & Continued Probation

        Due to the change in your academic standing, your registration date for  subsequent terms is pushed back until you complete the counseling intervention. Once the intervention is completed, your originally scheduled registration date and time is restored. 

        • If you are part of a priority group such as Athletics, EOPS and Veterans, you will no longer receive priority registration until you return to Good Standing and meet all other priority registration requirements.
        • If you lose priority registration, your date will be determined by the number of Mt. SAC units you have earned.
      • Dismissal

        After 3 consecutive semesters of Academic and/or Progress Probation, you will be dismissed for two semesters.  

        You can appeal your dismissal through the Counseling Department by the stated deadline. If approved, you will be required to attend a Reinstatement Workshop to complete the reinstatement process. If you choose not to appeal or the appeal is denied, you may return after two semesters have passed. 

        After 2 semesters, re-apply to Mt. SAC and attend a Reinstatement Workshop. Reinstatements must be completed no later than 2 weeks before the start of a Fall or Spring semester. Fall begins in late August and Spring begins in late February. Reinstatements are not allowed for Winter or Summer terms. 

      • Return to Good Standing

        Academic (Probation, Continued Probation or Dismissal): You will return to Good Standing when your cumulative GPA reaches or exceeds 2.00. 

        Progress (Probation, Continued Probation or Dismissal): You will return to Good Standing when your percentage of units of W, I, NP, and/or NPV drops below 50%. 

      • If I am on Academic or Progress Probation
        • If you are a current student, complete the online Pobation Success Workshop. Access the workshop from the Probation Channel located in the Student tab of your portal. 
        • If you are a returning student, re-apply to Mt. SAC. Once your application has been processed by Admissions, complete the online Probation Success Workshop which you can access from the Student Success tab of your portal. 
        • Your registration date will be restored after you complete the workshop. 
      • If I am on Continued Academic or Progress Probation
        • If you are a current student, register for a P2 Success Workshop (in-person or zoom). Click here for registration instructions. Your registration date will be restored after you attend the workshop. 
        • If you are a returning student, re-apply to Mt. SAC.  Once your application has been processed by Admissions, register for a P2 Success WorkshopClick here for registration instructions. Your registration date will be restored after you attend the workshop. 
      • If I am returning from Academic or Progress Dismissal
        • Re-apply to Mt. SAC for a Fall or Spring semester. Once your application has been processed by Admissions, register for a Reinstatement Workshop. Click here for registration instructions. 
        • Be sure to take care of any holds on your record such as fees past due. 
        • Your registration date will be restored after you complete the workshop.