
Disability Awareness & Education

Advocacy & Law 
Information about the Americans with Disabilities Act directly from the Department of Justice website. 
Disability Rights Advocates is a nation and international nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities.
Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education.  Includes information on Sections 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, among a variety publications and helpful information. 
The Center for Disability Rights works for the full integration, independence and civil rights of people with disabilities.  
News and information about section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.  Provides guidance on buying accessible products and services.

Service Animals 

Assistive Technology

PowerPoint Accessibility Techniques 
This website provides information and tools to make PowerPoint accessible to people with disabilities. 
The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) works with organizations around the world to develop strategies, guidelines, and resources to help make the Web accessible to people with disabilities. The site provides resources on the essential components of web accessibility, guideline and techniques, managing accessibility and evaluating accessibility.

The Growing Digital Divide in Access for People with Disabilities: Overcoming Barriers To Participation In The Digital Economy 
This websites includes a paper entitled, “The Growing Digital Divide in Access for People with Disabilities Overcoming Barriers to Participation” (May 1999) by Cynthia Waddell. The paper identifies some of the emerging digital economy barriers, current efforts to address these barriers and expresses the author's vision of the long-term policy research agenda. This highly annotated paper provides useful resources regarding this issue as the author seeks to inform the reader regarding how emerging technology can enable full participation in the digital economy for everyone, regardless of age, disability or the limitations of the technology available.

Attention Deficit Disorder 
National Organization representing individuals with ADHD for education, advocacy and support.

Autism and Asperger's Syndrome

Blind and Low Vision 
American Council for the Blind 
National Federation of the Blind 
The Helen Keller National Center's mission is to enable each person who is deaf or blind to live an work in his or her community of choice through vocational rehabilitation, training programs and field services. 
American Foundation for the Blind

Lighthouse Guild
The Lighthouse Guild is an American charitable organization, based in New York City, devoted to vision rehabilitation and advocacy for the blind.

Deaf and Hard of Hearing 
National Association of the Deaf is the largest and oldest organization representing people who are deaf or hard of hearing in education, employment, health care, social services and telecommunications. 
The National Captioning Institute developed and continues to improve the closed-captioning systems.

Self Help for Hard of Hearing People is an organization that strives to improve the quality of life for hard of hearing people through education, advocacy and self-help.

Developmental Disabilities 
The National Down Syndrome Society exists to ensure that all people with Down's Syndrome have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. 
United Cerebral Palsy Association is committed to change and progress for persons with disabilities through promotion of independence, productivity and full citizenship for people with cerebral palsy.

Disability Studies/History 
This website promotes understanding about the historical experience of people with disabilities by recovering, chronicling, and interpreting their stories. The site includes the Disability History Museum's Library, a digital archive that only exists online which contains digital versions of images, texts, and other artifacts related to disability history. In addition the education section of the website has teacher resources and course packets. 
The Disability Social History Project is dedicated to the collection of artifacts and information regarding the history of people with disabilities. This site displays the rich history of people with disabilities through timelines, exhibits and profiles of disabled people in history. Through exploring this site, you can see the way people with disabilities are reclaiming the beauty of their history through this community project. 
Disability Studies Quarterly (DSQ) is the journal of the Society for Disability Studies (SDS). It is a multidisciplinary and international journal of interest to social scientists, scholars in the humanities, disability rights advocates, creative writers, and others concerned with the issues of people with disabilities The website includes electronic access to the journal for subscribers as well as various related links and resources on disability studies.
The Mass Media and Disability site is a compilation of links to web and print resources. The resources are categorized into book publishers, films and broadcasts, international sources, news, organizational publications, research groups, web accessibility, and web publications. 
The National Center on Disability and Journalism's mission is to educate journalists and educators about disability reporting issues in order to produce more accurate, fair and diverse news reporting. Their website is comprised of a detailed links section that provides resources to educators and reporters. The links are categorized into Journalism Education -Disability Focus, Disability Bibliographies, Disability Demographics and Statistics, Disability Advocacy Organizations, Assisted Suicide, Independent Living, International Exchange Program, Parenting with a Disability, Violence and Disability, Centers on Violence & Disability, Voting, Assistive Technology & Universal Design, Education, Legal and Sports. 
The Review of Disability Studies (RDS) journal is an internationally-focused academic journal in the field of Disability Studies. Their website includes information on the RDS, the editors, as well as how to subscribe to the journal electronically or in print. The first issues of the journal are available to download free through the site. In addition, the site provides resources and information for evaluators and submitters. 
The Society for Disability Studies works to explore issues of disability and chronic illness from scholarly perspectives. Their website includes information on the Disabilities Studies Quarterly (DSQ), their annual conferences, publications as well as information regarding how to join the SDS. In addition, the site includes a comprehensive section of related links.

Employment Accommodations 
Job Accommodations Network

Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder 
The foundation is committed to the prevention, cure, research, education advocacy, and service for people with seizure disorders.

General Disability Resources 
Association on Higher Education and Disability 
California Association for Postsecondary Education and Disability 
National Council on Disability
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 
An online quarterly newsletter published by The George Washington University, Washington DC.  Contains articles of interest to educators and students in postsecondary institutions.  Included are resources, featured disability-related websites, new product and book reviews. 
Online magazine for and about people with disabilities in today's society.  Includes resources for all disabilities and links to various other related websites.  The cost to subscribe is $17.50 yearly. 
Called The Faculty Room, this is an online resource for faculty and administrators in postsecondary institutions.  Includes information on topics such as academic accommodations, universal design of instruction, equal access to computer technology and the web, and rights and responsibilities for students with disability and faculty.
American Association of People with Disabilities. 
The World Institute on Disability is a nonprofit public policy center dedicated to the promotion of independence and full inclusion of people with disabilities. 
The National Center for Accessible Media focuses on media and information technology products for individuals with disabilities along with various links and resources for accessible media.

Learning Disabilities 
The learning Disabilities Association of America advocates on behalf of persons with learning disabilities and supports research into the causes of learning disabilities. 
National Center for Learning Disabilities 
The International Dyslexia Association studies and treats dyslexia by helping individuals with dyslexia and those who work with them by working nationally and locally on legislation, public awareness, research and education. Online College Courses for Students with Learning Disabilities

Nursing and Disability 
"NOND is an open membership, cross-disability, professional organization that works to promote equity for people with disabilities and chronic health conditions in nursing through education and advocacy..."

Paralysis and Spinal Cord Injuries
This foundation is a merger between the American Paralysis Association and the Christopher Reeve Foundation.  It encourages and supports research to develop effective treatments and cures caused by spinal cord injuries and other central nervous system disorders. 
The National Spinal Cord Injury Association assists in the development of programs for care, treatment, rehabilitation, community living and research for persons with spinal cord injuries.

Psychiatric Disabilities 
The National Mental Health Association is dedicated to improving the mental health of all individuals.

Speech and Hearing 
American Speech, Language and Hearing Association

Veterans/Student-Veterans with Disabilities

Veteran-Students and Universal Design PowerPoint  (Grace Hanson)

Real Warriors Campaign

Universal Design 
The Center for Universal Design is a national research, information, and technical assistance center that evaluates, develops, and promotes universal design in housing, public and commercial facilities, and related products. The website provides links to necessary resources for created universal designed homes and facilities that are accessible and “livable for a lifetime.” 
The site provides information on Universal Design through a searchable archive of the Global Universal Design Educator's Online News and a detailed linked resource section. The website also includes a downloadable version of the Universal Design Handbook.

University of Guelph: Universal Instructional Design
This website provides information on Universal Instructional Design and the UID project which ran from May 2002- December 2003. It includes a set of principles, a handbook and workbook on UID. The site also provides access to the UID forum which is a listserv dedicated to the discussion of topics of UID as they apply to educators.