

There are times when students engage in behavior that could constitute a violation of the Standards of Conduct Policy.   We believe that students should be aware of their rights and responsibilities.   Therefore, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the information below, which includes our policies and procedures. 

Standards of Conduct

The Mt. San Antonio College Standards of Conduct are designed to ensure the safety of all individuals at the College and to promote a positive educational environment that is conducive to learning.  All students are required to abide by the Standards of Conduct Policy and failure to do so may result in disciplinary action such as a verbal or written reprimand,  required sanctions, suspension and/or expulsion. 

Student Discipline Procedures

The purpose of the Student Discipline Procedures is to provide a fair, prompt, and equitable means to address violations of the Standards of Conduct Policy, and not for purposes of retaliation. This procedure affords students due process rights guaranteed by state and federal constitutional protections.  It is not intended as a substitute for criminal or civil proceedings that may be initiated separately.

Academic Honesty


    • What is Academic Dishonesty?

      1. Plagiarism;
      2. Receiving or knowingly supplying unauthorized information;
      3. Using unauthorized material or sources;
      4. Changing an answer after work has been graded and presenting it as improperly graded;
      5. Illegally accessing confidential information through a computer;
      6. Taking an examination for another student or having another person take an examination for you;
      7. Presenting another person’s work as your own;
      8. Forging or altering registration or grade documents; and/or
      9. Submitting collectively developed work as your own, unless specifically allowed by the instructor.

      (Extracted from Administrative Procedure 4290 - Student Academic Honesty)

    • Plagiarism

      Plagiarism is using someone’s words, ideas, or information (books, articles, magazines, pictures, videos, works of art, newspapers, or on-line sources) and presenting them as your own or without giving credit to the source.

      It should be clear to the reader which information is borrowed and which information is your own.

      Direct Quotes

      • Use quotation marks around exact words
      • Name your source(s)

      Paraphrasing and summarizing

      • Use the name of the source when you restate an author’s ideas in your own words

      Always follow the style/formatting requirements given by your instructor (APA/MLA/Chicago/etc.)

      Adapted from Avoiding Plagiarism - Directed Learning ActivityMt. SAC Writing Center

    • Consequences for Academic Dishonesty

      Failing grade for the assignment/exam
      Students can be assigned a failing grade on a particular assignment or exam in which dishonesty occurred. The failing grade for dishonesty would then be reflected in the student’s overall grade for the course.

      Student Misconduct Report
      The instructor can recommend that appropriate action be taken under the Student Discipline Procedures

    • Tips for Academic Success
      • Read each class syllabus thoroughly.
      • Attend your instructor’s office hours.
      • Read all assignment/exam rubrics, guidelines and expectations.
      • Practice time management by planning study sessions into your calendar.
      • Identify how to contact each instructor and make note of their contact information at the start of each term.
      • Utilize campus resources.
    • Applicable Policies & Procedures

       “Academic dishonesty is unacceptable and will not be tolerated at Mt. San Antonio College.”
      Board Policy 4290 - Academic Honesty

      Student Academic Honesty:  Administrative Procedure 4290
      Outlines Mt. SAC’s stance on academic honesty, lists examples, and discusses the professor’s role in taking action.

      Standards of Conduct: Board Policy 5500
      Lists conduct (including cheating, plagiarism and academic dishonesty) that constitutes good cause for discipline.

      Student Discipline Procedures: Administrative Procedure 5520
      Outlines the student discipline process when a Student Misconduct Report is submitted.

    • Resources

      Writing Center:    Building 26B, Room 1561A ,   (909) 274-5325

      • Tutoring:  Face-to-face & Online
      • Free writing skills workshops and Directed Learning Activities (DLAs)
      • Computer lab

      Library:  Building 6 - North Entrance,   (909) 274-4289

      • Study Rooms
      • Research help & workshops
      • Chat with a librarian 24/7
      • Library computers

      Academic Support and Achievement Center:   Building 6 - South Entrance,   (909) 274-4300

      • Classes in math, reading, writing, and study techniques
      • Free tutoring in math, science, writing, and many other subjects
      • Computer lab

      Campus Computer Labs

      Additional resources are listed in the Student Handbook:

Frequently Asked Questions


What happens when a Student Misconduct Report is filed?

When a Student Misconduct Report and/or a Police & Campus Safety Report is filed with the Student Life Office regarding a possible violation of the Standards of Conduct Policy, the student will receive a Mt. SAC e-mail notification, sent to their Mt. SAC email address, from the Assistant Director, Student Life.   The student may be required to attend a Discipline Conference and/or be referred to a Student Conduct Board Hearing. 

What  is a Discipline Conference?

A discipline conference, if required, must be scheduled with the Assistant Director, Student Life within five business days after the notice is provided.   During the meeting, the Assistant Director, Student Life shall determine if the student’s behavior constitutes a violation of the Standards of Conduct Policy.  If a violation has occurred, the student may be subject to complete sanctions and/or be referred to a Student Conduct Board Hearing.

What  happens if I do not contact the Student Life Office to schedule a meeting?

A hold may be placed on your account.  The case might also be referred to a Student Conduct Board Hearing.

What is a Student Conduct Board Hearing?

A Student Conduct Board is comprised of one administrator, one faculty member, one student, and the Student Conduct Manager. 

The Assistant Director, Student Life and the accused student have the right to directly participate in the Hearing.  The Hearing will commence no sooner than ten (10) business days and not later than thirty (30) business days after the reported student has been provided an official notice of a Student Conduct Board Hearing.  The Student Conduct Board deliberates in closed session. The Student Conduct Manager serving as Chair to the Student Conduct Board, issues a written report of their findings and recommended hearing sanctions to the Student Services Conduct Administrator.  The student is notified of the determination of the discipline decision.  Hearing sanctions include but are not limited to Suspension (short-term or long-term), Character Development Directed Learning Activity, Discipline Contract, specialized counseling or therapy, and/or mandatory Discipline Conference upon return.

What if I do not attend the Student Conduct Board Hearing?

The Student Conduct Board will make a recommendation based on the information available at the time of the Hearing. 

Please refer to Student Discipline Procedures (AP 5520) for complete procedures.