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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Technology & Health: Mental Health Unit
Course Name Course Number
Co-Occurring Disorders AD 6
  • Students successfully completing AD 6 will be able to identify and assess the major psychiatric disorders that co-occur with substance use disorders.
  • Students successfully completing AD 6 will be able to describe the relationship between psychiatric disorders and substance abuse.
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to identify and understand the use of psychiatric medications for treatment of mental illness and addiction. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of evidence-based treatment approaches for clients with co-occurring disorders. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to describe the social and political issues effecting the treatment of co-occurring substance use and mental disorders. (MO)
Addiction: Prevention, Intervention, and Recovery AD 3
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to describe and apply theories and strategies for the prevention of substance use disorders.
  • At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to compare and contrast historical and contemporary prevention, intervention, and treatment approaches
  • Students successfully completing AD 3 will be able to explain the relapse prevention process
Administration of Justice Report Writing ADJU 68
  • 60% of students score 70% or higher on a crime report, documenting a given crime scenario Schedule:
  • Students will exhibit strong and effective written and oral communication skills.
  • Students will provide the necessary documentation and structure for a crime report.
Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing and Pharmacology for PT MENT 58D
  • Students successfully completing Ment 58D will be able to identify classifications of medications that are utilized for specific body system disorders
  • Students successfully completing MENT 58D will be able to apply the principles of the nursing process as it relates to the patient's medical disorders.
  • Students successfully completing Ment 58D will be able to identify body system disorders and the correct nursing interventions.
Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing for Psychiatric Technicians Clinical MENT 58L
  • Evaluate treatment plans. (mo)
  • Assess and design treatment plans. (mo)
  • Intervene accurately and appropriately. (mo)
  • Administer medication safely. (mo)
  • Explain scope of practice. (mo)
  • Student successfully completing Ment 58L will demonstrate competency in utilizing the nursing process by designing a care plan including assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating patient outcomes
  • Student successfully completing Ment 58L will demonstrate correct technique for urethral catheterization.
  • Student successfully completing MENT 58L will be able to safely prepare and administer an injection.
Alcohol and Drug Dependency AD 1
  • Students will be able to describe the term "addiction" and explain various theories of causation.
  • Students will be able to describe the impact of substance abuse on the community, family, and individual. (MO)
  • Students will be able to Identify and describe different approaches used in the treatment of addictions. (MO)
  • Students will be able to Identify and describe the different psychoactive substances used in America . (MO)
  • Students successfully completing AD 1 will be able to discuss the development of drug control in the US legal system.
Case Management and Documentation AD 10
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to describe record keeping that meets legal and ethical standards. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to explain the purpose of client record documentation. (MO)
  • Students successfully competing AD 10 will be able to write treatment plans with behavior objectives.
  • Students successfully completing AD 10 will demonstrate record keeping that meets legal and ethical standards.
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to utilize terminology and standard abbreviations in order to use clinical records as a treatment tool. (MO)
Chemical Dependency: Prevention and Education AD 5
  • Students successfully completing AD 5 will be able to compare and contrast drug program effectiveness
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to examine different prevention programs and evaluate their effectiveness based on research analysis. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to identify each of the five steps involved in developing a prevention program. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to summarize governmental and law enforcement efforts to stop drug trafficking and sales (locally, nationally, and internationally. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to identify groups considered "at risk" for drug abuse and addiction in the community. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to identify societal attitudes toward alcohol and drug abuse. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing AD 5 will be able to identify each of the five steps involved in developing a prevention program.
Community Relations ADJU 5
  • Students will demonstrate that they understand the beginnings of the Modern Police Force.
  • Students will be able to identify the Three Eras of Policing in America.
Concepts of Criminal Law ADJU 3
  • Students will detail the interview and investigation process that is used to identify evidence of a crime
  • Students will identify the elements of criminal codes.
Concepts of Traffic Services ADJU 13
  • Demonstrate the ability to accurately diagram a traffic collision
Family Counseling AD 9
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to demonstrate competency in basic family counseling skills through role-play and experiential exercises. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to accurately assess, identify and analyze family problems/needs and implement appropriate interventions.(MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to explain and apply the use of the genogram as a family counseling and assessment tool. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to Identify and explain dynamics of a “normal” family system and the dynamics of a “dysfunctional” family system. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing AD 9 will be able to accurately analyze and describe the dynamics of the addictive family.
Group Process and Leadership AD 8
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to identify and apply various counseling theories and techniques in group settings. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to compare and contrast interventions for specifically identified problems with resistance and denial.(MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to apply and demonstrate effective group counseling skills. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to explain group process as a vehicle of personal change. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing AD 8 will demonstrate competency in basic group counseling skills.
  • Students successfully completing AD 8 will be able to demonstrate 5 specific skills/techniques required as an effective group leader for competency in role-playing situations.
Introduction to Forensics for Criminal Justice ADJU 50
  • 70% of the students will describe in detail three main tasks required of the first officers arriving at a crime scene.
Introduction to Interviewing and Counseling MENT 40
  • Demonstrate awareness of personal skills in the helping professions. (mo)
  • Student successfully completing MENT 40 will demonstrate use of active listening.
  • Student successfully completing MENT 40 will utilize interviewing techniques to attain data to assist with problem identification.
  • Student successfully completing MENT 40 will use appropriate therapeutic communication tools in an interview scenario.
  • Identify personal prejudgement and therapeutic responses to working with individuals from a different race, ethnic, religious, educational, socio-cultural background. (mo)
  • Use helping micro skills including nonverbal skills, listening skills, reflecting, paraphrasing, challenging, and goal setting. (mo)
  • Develop one-on-one counseling skills in mock counseling sessions. (mo)
  • Determine where and in which circumstances particular counseling skills and methods are most applicable and appropriate. (mo)
Introduction to Psychiatric Technology MENT 70
  • Relate development theories to analysis of personality and values. (mo)
  • Explain laws related to involuntary commitments. (mo)
  • Explain scope of practice. (mo)
  • Describe etiology of mental retardation. (mo)
  • Discuss behavior modification terminology. (mo)
  • Describe development patterns. (mo)
  • Student successfully completing MENT 70 will identify foundational concepts related to mental health
  • Students completing MENT 70 will identify foundational concepts related to working with individuals with disabilities
  • Students successfully completing MENT 70 will describe process of positive behavior support.
Introduction to Psychiatric Technology Clinical MENT 70L
  • Student successfully completing MENT 70L will demonstrate clinical practice within scope of practice
  • Student successfully completing MENT 70L will demonstrate correct assessment using Mental Status Exam
  • Student completing MENT 70L will demonstrate role function of psychiatric technician student in the clinical setting.
  • Apply principles of human development.
  • Demonstrate correct assessments of a clients' mental status using mental status exams.
  • Demonstrate appropriate scope of practice for Psychiatric Technicians.
  • Assess personality development using various models.
  • Apply principles of ‘normalization’ to client and environment.
  • Use professional standards and ethics.
Issues in Domestic Violence AD 4
  • Students completing AD 4 will demonstrate knowledge of the laws and cultural norms affecting domestic violence and domestic violence services in the U.S. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to assess, identify client needs, and implement appropriate interventions in relation to domestic violence. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to explain the relationship between substance abuse and domestic violence.
  • Students successfully completing AD 4 will be able to explain the primary theories related to both causation and impact of domestic violence.
Legal Aspects of Evidence ADJU 4
  • 70 percent of students tested will be able to recognize the legal circumstances when a Miranda advisement is mandatory.
  • 70 percent of students tested will be able to recognize the legal exceptions to Miranda advisements.
Medical-Surgical Clinical Experience MENT 56L
  • Practice within the current standards of the Psychiatric Technician Law. (mo)
  • Utilize theory concepts of culture as they relate to the bio-psycho-social aspects of care. (mo)
  • Utilize theory concepts of aging as they relate to the bio-psycho-social aspects of care. (mo)
  • Assess client’s status using Roy’s Adaptation Model in understanding, creating, implementing and evaluating nursing care plans. (mo)
  • Utilize safe practice by preventing and recognizing hazards, potential injuries and infectious agents. (mo)
  • Student successfully completing MENT 56L will utilize safe practice by preventing and recognizing hazards, potential injuries and infectious agents.
  • Calculate medication dosages. (mo)
  • Student successfully completing MENT 56L will accurately do a head to toe assessment.
  • Describe structure and function of the human body as it relates to client care. (mo)
  • Students successfully completing Ment 56L will be able to follow correct procedural guidelines to administering medications safely.
  • Demonstrate and practice safe medication administration with supervisor. (mo)
  • 100% of students successfully completing Ment 56L will be able to describe and apply the principles of the nursing process to organize the patient care.
Medical-Surgical Nursing for Psychiatric Technicians MENT 56
  • Describe proper procedure for administering medications. (mo)
  • Describe and apply the principles of the nursing process. (mo)
  • Identify the conceptual framework utilized by the program. (mo)
  • Calculate medication dosages for all age levels. (mo)
  • Explain nursing process in context to scope of practice. (mo)
  • Determine and use safe practice of administering medication. (mo)
  • Apply nursing care related to body systems. (mo)
  • Identify body systems. (mo)
  • Students enrolled in Ment 56 will be able to describe the proper procedure for administering medications
  • Students enrolled in Ment 56 will be able to identify the conceptual framework utilized by the program
  • Students enrolled in MENT 56 will be able to identify and describe body systems
  • Relate interaction between body systems. (mo)
  • Students enrolled in Ment 56 will be able to describe and apply the principles of the nursing process
Nursing Care of the Developmentally Disabled Person MENT 72
  • Student completing MENT 72 will demonstrate effective intervention using a behavior plan.
  • Student completing MENT 72 will evaluate results of a behavior plan
  • Describe treatment protocols for various etiologies, with a "risk vs. benefit" analysis for each intervention. (mo)
  • Describe "person-centered" attitude and approaches to training. (mo)
  • Identify industry-standard methods and techniques for treatment plan development using principles of behavior modification and positive behavior support. (mo)
  • Student completing MENT 72 will design behavior plans.
  • Develop patient-specific Individual Program Plans (IPPs). (mo)
  • Contrast human development norms with the developmentally disabled. (mo)
  • Describe normal sexuality and issues related to individuals diagnosed with intellectual and developmental disabilities. (mo)
  • Explain and demonstrate use of various types of adaptive equipment. (mo)
  • Identify principles of sensorimotor training and integration. (mo)
  • Define normalization protocols. (mo)
Nursing Care of the Developmentally Disabled Person - Clinical MENT 72L
  • Student will create operationalized training goals.
  • Student will demonstrate competency in the development, implementation, and evaluation of a treatment plan.
  • Utilize normalization principles when performing planning, training, and care. (mo)
  • Apply sensorimotor intervention techniques correctly. (mo)
  • Administer medication correctly. (mo)
  • Calculate accurate medication dosages. (mo)
  • Demonstrate industry-standard practice to assessment, development, implementation, and evaluation of training plans. (mo)
  • Demonstrate "person-centered" approach to teaching, training, and care. (mo)
  • Student will create interventions for identified client sensory-motor deficits.
  • Student will identify functionally equivalent adaptive behaviors to replace identified client maladaptive behaviors.
Physiological Effects of Alcohol and Drugs AD 2
  • Students will demonstrate basic competency in screening clients for psychoactive substance toxicity, intoxication, and withdrawal symptoms
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the basic metabolic and neurological processes involved in psychoactive drug use, including synergistic effects and risk factors.
  • Students will express familiarity with the medical and pharmacological resources available in the treatment of substance use disorders
  • Students successfully completing AD 2 will be able to describe the behavioral, psychological, physiological, and social effects of specific psychoactive substances on the user
Principles and Procedures of the Justice System ADJU 2 (VOC)
  • Students will identify the purpose and need for Criminal Procedures.
Psychiatric Nursing for Psychiatric Technicians MENT 73T
  • Student successfully completing MENT 73T will accurately identify symptoms associated with the diagnostic classifications of mental illness.
  • Student successfully completing MENT 73T will develop an appropriate patient education group for persons with particular clinical diagnoses.
  • Student successfully completing MENT 73T will develop an active treatment plan for a person with a particular clinical diagnosis.
Psychiatric Nursing for Psychiatric Technicians Clinical MENT 73L
  • Demonstrate assessment competency and use of Mental Status Exam. (mo)
  • Students completing MENT 73L will demonstrate therapeutic protocols and communications during interactions with assigned clients
  • Student successfully completing MENT 73Lwill demonstrate therapeutic interactions within scope of practice in a mental health setting .
  • Student successfully completing MENT 73Lwill demonstrate the ability to document therapeutic interactions.
Techniques of Intervention and Referral AD 11
  • Students successfully completing AD 11 will be able to implement active listening skills during counseling sessions.
  • Students successfully completing AD 11 will demonstrate proficiency in basic counseling skills.
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to demonstrate basic counseling skills in a role playing situation. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to demonstrate one-on-one interviewing techniques. (MO)
  • Students successfully completing the course will be able to explore beginning approaches in counseling.(MO)
The Administration of Justice System ADJU 1 (VOC)
  • Analyze the political issues associated with managing priorities within the criminal justice system
Work Experience in Administration of Justice ADJU 90
  • Student will fulfill an exit contract detailing skills gained and goals achieved.
Work Experience in Mental Health Technology MENT 82
  • Student successfully completing MENT 82 will examine and analyze the role of a professional in developmental disability and or mental health.
  • Student successfully completing MENT 82 will apply skills learned in previous courses to a worksite situation.
  • Develop and apply an industry-standard work ethic and interpersonal skills. (mo)
  • Summarize and perform duties in compliance with work plans. (mo)
  • Student completing MENT 82 will develop a minimum of 3 objectives in new learning experiences.
  • Examine and analyze the role of a professional in developmental disability and or mental health. (mo)
  • Apply skills learned in previous courses to a worksite situation. (mo)
  • Develop a minimum of three objectives in new learning experiences. (mo)