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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Electronics & Computer Technology Certificate: Computer Networking Technology Fundamentals - M0682
Course Name Course Number
PC Operating Systems CNET 52
  • Students completing CNET 52 will be able to install Windows operating systems.
  • CNET 52 students will demonstrate the ability to obtain technical information from each Windows operating system.
PC Troubleshooting CNET 54
  • Students completing CNET 54 will be able to demonstrate proper use of specific and general-purpose diagnostic aids available to the PC technician.
  • Students completing CNET 54 will be able to identify component-level malfunctions in a typical personal computer.
Personal Computer (PC) Servicing CNET 50
  • Students completing CNET 50 will demonstrate effective troubleshooting strategies for isolating faults in all major personal computer (PC) subsystems and components.
  • Students completing CNET50 will be able to add/remove input and output devices properly on computer systems running current operating systems.
  • Students in CNET 50 will be able to define common terms and recognize symbols used in PC systems.