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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Degree: AS-T - Hospitality Management - S0451
Course Name Course Number
Business Law BUSL 18
  • Students completing BUSL 18 - Business Law will be able to distinguish between a civil cause of action and a criminal cause of action.
  • Students completing BUSL 18 - Business Law will be able to brief a case.
Elementary Statistics Math 110
  • Students will be able to determine descriptive statistics from a sample
  • Students will be able to use sample statistics to develop a confidence interval for population parameters
  • Using sample statistics from one or more samples, students will be able to test a claim made about a population parameter.
  • Using bivariate data, students will be able to determine whether a significant linear correlation exists between two variables and determine the equation of the regression line.
  • Students will be able to use sample statistics to develop a confidence interval for population parameters. Using sample statistics from one or more samples, students will be able to test a claim made about a population parameter.
Elementary Statistics -Honors Math 110H
  • Students will be able to use sample statistics to develop a confidence interval for population parameters. Using sample statistics from one or more samples, students will be able to test a claim made about a population parameter.
  • Students will be able to determine descriptive statistics from a sample.
  • Students will be able to use sample statistics to develop a confidence interval for population parameters
  • Using sample statistics from one or more samples, students will be able to test a claim made about a population parameter
  • Using bivariate data, students will be able to determine whether a significant linear correlation exists between two variables and determine the equation of the regression line.
Food Safety and Sanitation HRM 52
  • Determine the presence of foodborne-illness outbreak.
  • Identify foodborne pathogen, their sources, and resulting illnesses, and symptoms.
Hospitality Cost Control HRM 57
  • Conduct break-even analysis on a food & beverage facility and conduct cost volume analysis to determine the number of customers required to attain desired profits.
  • Analyze the operational and cost control performance of a restaurant.
Hospitality Financial Accounting HRM 64
  • Develop a Balance Sheet for a hospitality operation.
  • Develop an Income Statement (P&L) for a hospitality operation.
Hospitality Law HRM 66
  • Identify and differentiate the four sources of law.
  • Analyze a hospitality civil case and determine the facts, elements of negligence, possible consequences and outcomes.
Hospitality Work Experience HRM 91
  • Develop measurable skill-based learning objectives, which they will attain at the end of their work experience period.
  • Demonstrate proficiency of skills specified in the measurable objectives.
Introduction to Food and Beverage Management HRM 59
  • Describe the importance of concepts, location, and design in food and beverage facilities
  • Identify current trends and issues impacting restaurant and food and beverage management
Introduction to Hospitality HRM 51
  • Identify recognized hospitality leaders and analyze their leadership styles identifying key qualities, philosophies, or experiences associated with success in the field.
  • Describe opportunities for entry and advancement in the hospitality field and develop a career portfolio.
Introduction to Lodging HRM 70
  • Identify staffing needs for a hotel Front Desk based on occupancy, level of activity, and budget constraints.
  • Establish room rates based on desired profits using the Hubbart formula.
Principles of Accounting - Financial BUSA 7 (VOC)
  • I am able to utilize accounting information including financial statements to perform financial statement analysis
  • I am able to describe the basic accounting system and how it is used to serve business needs
  • I am able to analyze and record transactions, using a journal and a ledger, of varying degrees of difficulty including adjusting, and closing entries
Principles of Economics - Microeconomics BUSC 1B
  • Students should be able explain externalities and distinguish between external costs and external benefits.
  • Students should be able to distinguish between public and private goods. Students should also be able to explain why private market fails to provide public goods.
  • Students were asked to discuss the reason for not giving welfare recipients their welfare benefits in cash rather than in-kind.
  • Students completing BUSC 1B - Principles of Economics - Microeconomics will use producer's behavior to determine price of the product they produce under various market situations to maximize profit
  • Students completing BUSC 1B - Principles of Economics - Microeconomics will be able to choose quantities of different commodities having different price tags by spending limited amount of money to maximize satisfaction
  • Students completing BUSC 1B - Principles of Economics - Microeconomics will correctly know consumer's behavior to maximize their utility in allocating scarce resources to satisfy their infinite wants.
  • Students were asked to determine the merits of price-quantity determination in the market economy of the Unites States.
Principles of Economics -Microeconomics - Honors BUSC 1BH
  • Students completing BUSC 1BH - Principles of Economics - Microeconomics - Honors will correctly know the producers' behavior to maximize their profit by allocating scarce resources.
  • Students completing BUSC 1BH - Principles of Economics - Microeconomics - Honors will correctly know the consumers' behavior to maximize their utility by allocating scarce resources.
  • Students were given a research paper to discuss and analyze "Coase Theorem" with respect to market failure and government intervention in the presence of externalities. They were asked to use examples to make their point. 100% of the student were able to discuss "Coase Theorem" properly citing some other research studies. All students got over 85% score in this paper.
  • Students should be able to distinguish between public goods and private goods. Students should be able to explain why private market fails to provide public goods.
Professional Cooking I CUL 102
  • Recipe knowledge, accuracy and execution: Follow recipe procedures to produce food at the appropriate temperature, consistency, texture, flavor, and in a timely manner.
  • Plan a food production schedule and assemble the tools, equipment, and ingredients required to produce a recipe in an organized and efficient manner.