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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Degree: AS - Sign Language/Interpreting - S0801
Course Name Course Number
Advanced Interpreting SIGN 232
  • Given a English narrative successfully give a functional equivalent message in ASL in a simultaneous mode.
  • Interpreting students will successfully apply Demand Control Schema (DC-S) Theory to the field of Sign Language Interpreting.
American Deaf Culture SIGN 202
  • Students will be able to correctly contrast specific aspects of American Deaf culture with general American hearing culture.
  • Students completing an assignment in Humanities Area C will be able to identify the influence of culture on human expression.
American Sign Language 5 SIGN 105
  • Students will successfully give a presentation using classifiers, conditional sentences, rhetorical questions, and relatives clauses.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate the influence of culture on human expression by giving detailed descriptions by comparing and contrasting techniques
  • Students will successfully communicate personal health information in ASL through the use of classifier predicates.
  • By the end of SIGN 105, American Sign Language 5, 70% of students will be able to successfully comprehend and produce a signed narrative by answering complex questions.
American Sign Language Structure SIGN 210
  • Students will be able to differentiate between derivational and inflectional morphological processes in ASL
  • • Students will be able to identify ASL articulators and contrast them with spoken language articulators.
  • • Students will be able to describe why signs take longer to articulate than words.
Applied Interpreting SIGN 239
  • Students will identify two aspects of their interpreting process that needs improvement and come up with at least two strategies for improvement.
  • Students will identify two aspect of their interpreting process that needs improvement and come up with at least two strategies for improvement.
Cognitive Processing for Interpreters SIGN 227
  • Given a piece of discourse in English correctly identify themes, main points, and details.
  • Given a piece of discourse in ASL correctly identify themes, main points, and details.
Ethical Decision Making for Interpreters SIGN 225
  • Students will effectively give well-rounded responses to hypothetical and real-life scenarios applying recognized industry standards and support their responses by referencing industry standard publications.
  • Interpreting students will successfully apply Demand Control Schema (DC-S) Theory to the field of Sign Language Interpreting.
Fingerspelling SIGN 108
  • Successfully recognize and record dates about events (historical and/or birthdays) as demonstrated to them in ASL by the instructor.
  • Successfully demonstrate the use of lexicalized fingerspelling loan words in grammatically correct ASL sentences.
Interpreting SIGN 231
  • Interpreting students will successfully apply Demand Control Schema (DC-S) Theory to the field of Sign Language Interpreting.
  • Given a English narrative successfully give a functional equivalent message in ASL in a consecutive mode.
Interpreting with Classifiers SIGN 250
  • Be able to identify and use 13 mouth morphemes in ASL with accuracy and success.
  • Given a sequence of visual events, students will correctly identify appropriate classifier predicates in terms of type of movement root and classifier handshape.
Introduction to Deaf Studies SIGN 201
  • Successfully compare and contrast the criteria for different pedagogical approaches to educating deaf and hard of hearing people.
  • Successfully identify three causes of deafness that occurs at/before birth (congenital) and three causes of deafness that occurs after birth (adventitious).
  • Successfully compare and contrast the criteria for different pedagogical approaches to educating deaf and hard of hearing people.
Principles of Interpreting SIGN 223
  • Students will understand the role, function and responsibilities of an interpreter.
  • Students will memorize the RID Code of Professional Conduct.
  • Students will know the history of the interpreting field including professional organizations.
Translation: American Sign Language and English SIGN 220
  • When presented with ASL sentences, a sample of students will successfully create grammatically correct functionally equivalent sentences in English.
  • When presented with English sentences, a sample of students will successfully create grammatically correct functionally equivalent sentences in ASL.
Video Interpreting SIGN 260
  • Successfully distinguish between (VRS) and video remote interpreting (VRI). Compare and contrast these two types of interpreting.
Vocabulary Building for Interpreters SIGN 240
  • Accurately producing ASL equivalent of vocabulary discussed in class
  • Given practice English nomenclature for a specific field, students will correctly come up with ASL equivalent signs or phrases.
  • Producing ASL equivalency when no lexical equivalent is known.