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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Degree: AS - Real Estate - S0512
Course Name Course Number
Appraisal: Principles and Procedures BUSR 81
  • Students completing BUSR 81 - Appraisal: Principles and Procedures will be able to define highest and best use.
  • Students completing BUSR 81 - Appraisal: Principles and Procedures will be able to identify the three methods of appraising real property.
Bookkeeping - Accounting BUSA 72 (VOC)
  • I am able to explain the concept of double-entry accounting within the categories of asset, liability, owner's equity, revenue and expense account
  • I am able to analyze business transactions, and journalize and post transactions to ledger accounts
  • I am able to utilize procedures of cash control in such areas as petty cash funds, change funds, cash short and over and bank reconciliation
Business Communications BUSO 25
  • I am able to develop and deliver a 3-5 minute presentation on a business related topic
  • I am able to use informative and sales letters to convey information and influence people favorably
  • I am able to compose an appropriate, effective letter presenting good news, bad news, sales, or persuasive content
Business English BUSO 5
  • I am able to analyze sentences in terms of part of speech and sentence structure
  • I am able to develop business related ideas into unified, coherent paragraphs, using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • I am able to apply correct punctuation to sentences
Business Law BUSL 18
  • Students completing BUSL 18 - Business Law will be able to distinguish between a civil cause of action and a criminal cause of action.
  • Students completing BUSL 18 - Business Law will be able to brief a case.
Escrow Procedures I BUSR 76
  • Students completing BUSR 76 - Escrow Procedures 1 will be able calculate an escrow proration
  • Students completing BUSR 76 - Escrow Procedures 1 will be able to define key words and phrases used in the escrow profession.
Fundamentals of Accounting BUSA 11 (VOC)
  • I am able to calculate simple interest for a loan
  • I am able to compute the ending balance in a company?s inventory account using FIFO and LIFO inventory methods
  • I am able to calculate depreciation using the straight line method of depreciation
Human Relations in Business BUSM 60 (VOC)
  • I am able to define organizational culture, socialization and mentoring
  • I am able to analyze social perception
  • I am able to review motivational theories related to organizational behavior
Introduction to Psychology PSYC 1A
  • Demonstrate psychology is a science by explaining how psychology utilizes the scientific method.
  • Apply psychological principles to personal observations and / or experiences.
  • Differentiate the major theoretical perspectives of psychology.
Legal Aspects of Real Estate BUSR 51
  • Students completing BUSR 51 - Legal Aspects of Real Estate will be able to differentiate between single and dual agency.
  • Students completing BUSR 51 - Legal Aspects of Real Estate will know the elements of contract formation.
Microcomputer Applications CISB 15
  • Students completing CISB 15 - Microcomputer Applications will be able to effectively use formulas and functions in worksheets.
  • Students completing CISB 15 - Microcomputer Applications will be able to use Microsoft Word to create professional documents needed to create a computer security report.
Oral Communications for Business BUSO 26
  • I am able to evaluate presentation preparation and delivery
  • I am able to develop topical outlines, note cards, and visual aids
  • I am able to apply communication skills in simulated business situations such as conferences and business groups
Principles of Accounting - Financial BUSA 7 (VOC)
  • I am able to analyze and record transactions, using a journal and a ledger, of varying degrees of difficulty including adjusting, and closing entries
  • I am able to describe the basic accounting system and how it is used to serve business needs
  • I am able to utilize accounting information including financial statements to perform financial statement analysis
Principles of Business BUSM 20 (VOC)
  • I am able to list and explain the foundations upon which business is built and the economic challenges facing the United States
  • I am able to explain the global dimensions affecting businesses today and in the future
  • I am able to describe and explain social responsibility and business ethics
Principles of Marketing BUSS 36 (VOC)
  • I have developed a working knowledge of marketing terminology
  • I am able to recall and apply distribution strategies used in the marketing of products and services
  • I am able to recall and apply promotional strategies used in the marketing of products and services.
Professional Selling BUSS 35 (VOC)
  • I am able to compare and contrast customer needs, wants, product features and benefits
  • I am able to evaluate my own potential as a professional salesperson and set goals for improvement
  • I am able to list the characteristics of a successful salesperson
Real Estate Economics BUSR 55
  • Students completing BUSR 55 - Real Estate Economics will be able to identify factors affecting Demand in Real Estate
  • Students completing BUSR 55 - Real Estate Economics will be able to identify the forces affecting supply in Real Estate.
Real Estate Finance BUSR 53
  • Students completing BUSR 53 - Real Estate Finance will be able to understand the elements of an adjustable rate loan.
  • Students completing BUSR 53 - Real Estate Finance will be able to identify the role of the Secondary Mortgage Market.
Real Estate Investment Planning BUSR 60
  • Students completing BUSR 60 - Real Estate Investment Planning will be able to distinguish between the aspects of real estate and other types of investments.
  • Students completing BUSR 60 - Real Estate Investment Planning will be able to identify the advantages and disadvantages of different real estate investments.
Real Estate Practice BUSR 52 (VOC)
  • Students completing BUSR 52 - Real Estate Practice will be able to set realistic, measurable goals for themselves in business.
  • Students completing BUSR 52 - Real Estate Practice Work Experience will be able to successfully complete an Exclusive Right to Sell Listing Agreement
  • Students completing BUSR 52 - Real Estate Practice will be able to complete the California Real Property Purchase Agreement.
Real Estate Principles BUSR 50
  • Students completing BUSR 50 - Real Estate Principles will understand the difference between real and personal property.
  • Students completing BUSR 50 - Real Estate Principles will understand the significance of fiduciary duty.
  • Students completing BUSR 50 - Real Estate Principles will have knowledge equivalent to the knowledge needed to pass the Department of Real Estate salesperson license exam.
Real Estate Property Management BUSR 59
  • Students completing BUSR 59 - Real Estate Property Management will know what a trust fund is and the importance of maintaining records on trust fund receipts.
  • Students completing BUSR 59 - Real Estate Property Management will understand the legal relationship between a landlord and a tenant
Small Business Management BUSM 66 (VOC)
  • I am able to discuss the legal forms of business ownership
  • I am able to discuss the marketing research process
  • I am able to describe business planning for small business