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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Degree: AS - Accounting - S0502
Course Name Course Number
Business Communications BUSO 25
  • I am able to compose an appropriate, effective letter presenting good news, bad news, sales, or persuasive content
  • I am able to develop and deliver a 3-5 minute presentation on a business related topic
  • I am able to use informative and sales letters to convey information and influence people favorably
Cost Accounting BUSA 21
  • I am able to evaluate data for planning and controlling current operations
  • I am able to define cost concepts, terms, behaviors and evaluate relevant costs for decision making
  • I am able to accumulate data for special decisions and long- range planning
Excel for Accounting BUSA 76
  • I am able to explain how Excel software should be used and applied by a company in its day to day business operations
  • I am able to solve managerial accounting problems with Excel software
  • I am able to create a chart using Excel software
Federal Income Tax Law BUSA 58
  • I am able to calculate tax accounting problems
  • I am able to prepare federal income tax returns
  • I am able to define accounting terms and concepts related to federal and state income tax
Intermediate Accounting BUSA 52
  • I am able to Interpret the statements and reports that emerge from the accounting process.
  • I am able to Explain valuation of the acquisition and disposition of property, plant, and equipment
  • I am able to Explain accounting for inventory valuation issues.
Microcomputer Applications CISB 15
  • Students completing CISB 15 - Microcomputer Applications will be able to use Microsoft Word to create professional documents needed to create a computer security report.
  • Students completing CISB 15 - Microcomputer Applications will be able to effectively use formulas and functions in worksheets.
Payroll and Tax Accounting BUSA 70 (VOC)
  • I am able to calculate wages and withholding amounts in payroll problems
  • I am able to identify payroll records required by the employer in preparation for filing tax forms for Social Security, federal and state income tax, state disability benefits, and federal and state unemployment
  • I am able to assemble payroll record keeping requirements for employers under current state and federal laws
Principles of Accounting - Financial BUSA 7 (VOC)
  • I am able to utilize accounting information including financial statements to perform financial statement analysis
  • I am able to describe the basic accounting system and how it is used to serve business needs
  • I am able to analyze and record transactions, using a journal and a ledger, of varying degrees of difficulty including adjusting, and closing entries
Principles of Accounting - Managerial BUSA 8
  • I am able to explain the role of the managerial accountant and describe the uses of managerial accounting information
  • I am able to distinguish between product and period costs and explain which of these costs are shown on the balance sheet and which costs are shown on the income statement
  • I am able to describe a job order cost accounting system and explain how manufacturing costs flow through the inventory accounts of the balance sheet and move onto the income statement.
Principles of Business BUSM 20 (VOC)
  • I am able to list and explain the foundations upon which business is built and the economic challenges facing the United States
  • I am able to explain the global dimensions affecting businesses today and in the future
  • I am able to describe and explain social responsibility and business ethics
QuickBooks for Accounting BUSA 75 (VOC)
  • I am able to prepare financial statements
  • I am able to process collections from customers and update accounts receivable
  • I am able to use computerized accounting software to process accounting transactions
Work Experience in Accounting BUSA 81
  • I am able to interview at a work site and present myself professionally
  • I am able to demonstrate the ability to complete an employment application
  • I am able to apply skills learned in the classroom under actual work conditions