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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Certificate: Pet Science - T0104
Course Name Course Number
Animal Breeding ASCI 94 (VOC)
  • Course completers should be able to recognize major breeding systems for domestic animals
  • 70% of course completers will demonstrate with 70% accuracy, their understanding of the principles of genetic inheritance used in animal breeding.
Animal Handling and Restraint ASCI 51 (VOC)
  • Students completing this course will be able to demonstrate the correct restraint method for canine jugular venipuncture.
Animal Nutrition ASCI 2 (VOC)
  • 70% Students will demonstrate an understanding of nutritional requirements of various life stages of the canine with 70% accuracy.
Animal Science ASCI 1 (VOC)
  • Course completers should be able to identify the common species & breeds of livestock
Aviculture - Cage and Aviary Birds ASCI 76 (VOC)
  • Students will be able to explain and diagram the necessary aviary for a specific breed of bird.
Feline Management ASCI 72 (VOC)
  • Students will be able to identify fifteen purebred breeds of cats when given a slide show quiz, which will be evaluated by set criteria.
Principles of Business BUSM 20 (VOC)
  • I am able to list and explain the foundations upon which business is built and the economic challenges facing the United States
  • I am able to explain the global dimensions affecting businesses today and in the future
  • I am able to describe and explain social responsibility and business ethics
Reptile Management ASCI 74 (VOC)
  • Students will present a 10 minute visual presentation on a specific reptilian disease in front of the class.
  • Students will be able to offer a presentation regarding one North American Reptile including habitat and characteristics.
Tropical and Coldwater Fish Management ASCI 73 (VOC)
  • Students will be able to identify 7 different species of fish (both tropical and coldwater).