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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Certificate: Consumer Relations - Duplicate - M0479
Course Name Course Number
Business Communications BUSO 25
  • I am able to compose an appropriate, effective letter presenting good news, bad news, sales, or persuasive content
  • I am able to use informative and sales letters to convey information and influence people favorably
  • I am able to develop and deliver a 3-5 minute presentation on a business related topic
Consumerism: The Movement, its Impact, and Issues FCS 51
  • Students completing FCS 51 - Consumer Skills, Issues, and Strategies will be able to identify consumer related government agencies and compare/contrast the services they provide to consumers.
  • Students completing FCS 51 - Consumer Skills, Issues, and Strategies will be able to demonstrate their ability to write a consumer complaint letter.
  • Students completing FCS 51 - Consumer Skills, Issues, and Strategies and who complete the Advertising and Illth, Nealth and Wealth assignment will be able to identify products that promote illth, nealth or wealth.
Life Management FCS 41
  • Students completing FCS 41 - Life Management and who complete an assignment in an Area E course will demonstrate meaningful self-evaluation related to increasing their lifelong personal well-being. (Students completing the Mission Statement part of the My Goals assignment will be able to write clear, concise personal mission statements.)
  • Students completing FCS 41 - Life Management and who complete an assignment in an Area E course will demonstrate meaningful self-evaluation related to increasing their lifelong personal well-being.
  • Students completing FCS 41 - Life Management and who complete the Goal Setting assignment will be able to identify, prioritize, and evaluate their personal goals.
  • Students completing FCS 41 - Life Management will be able to increase their skills in the area of time management.
Oral Communications for Business BUSO 26
  • I am able to apply communication skills in simulated business situations such as conferences and business groups
  • I am able to develop topical outlines, note cards, and visual aids
  • I am able to evaluate presentation preparation and delivery
Personal Financial Planning BUSA 71
  • I am able to develop a personal definition of financial success
  • I am able to explain the importance of planning and saving for retirement during the course of my lifetime
  • I know how to evaluate my own personal spending patterns and create my own personal budgets
Personal Financial Planning FCS 80
  • Students completing FCS 80 - Financial Planning will be able to develop a personal and/or family budget.
  • Students completing FCS 80 - Financial Planning will be able to employ strategies for the wise use of credit.
  • Students completing FCS 80 - Financial Planning will be able to evaluate the importance of early retirement planning.
  • Students completing FCS 80/Financial Planning will improve their financial capabilities based on the University of Wisconsin Financial Capability Scale (FCS).