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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Certificate: CIS Professional in Java Programming - M0689
Course Name Course Number
Advanced Java Laboratory CISP 24L
  • Students completing CISP 24 - Advanced Java Programming will be able to develop a program that handles their own designed exception handling.
  • Students completing CISP 24 - Advanced Java Programming will be able to create an object oriented program that will use custom classes.
Advanced Java Programming CISP 24
  • Students completing CISP 24 - Advanced Java Programming will be able to create an object oriented program that will use remote method invocation using the Java programming language.
  • Students completing CISP 24 - Advanced Java Programming will be able to develop a dynamic web page programming Java Server Pages.
Database Management - Microsoft Access CISD 11
  • Students completing CISD 11 - Database Management - Microsoft Access Lecture will be able to create useful and professional-looking mainform/subforms using Access
  • Students completing CISD 11 - Database Management - Microsoft Access Lecture will be able to create effective queries that answer needed questions.
  • Students completing CISD 11 - Database Management - Microsoft Access Lecture will be able to use Microsoft Access to create a professional and user-friendly working database with little or no assistance.
  • Students completing CISD 11 - Database Management - Microsoft Access Lecture will be able to create effective reports based on given criteria.
Database Management - Microsoft Access Laboratory CISD 11L
  • Students completing CISD 11L - Database Management - Microsoft Access Lab will be able to create tables and set appropriate relationships between them.
  • Students completing CISD11L - Database Management - Microsoft Access Lab will be able to create queries that answer specific questions about the data in the database.
Database Management - Microsoft SQL Server CISD 21
  • Students completing CISD 21 - Database Management - Microsoft SQL Server Lecture will be able to update database data using the SQL Server Data Manipulation Language commands.
  • Students completing CISD21 will be able to understand the summary queries and know how to use the aggregate functions.
  • Students completing CISD21 - SQL Server Lecture will be able to understand functions for simplifying daily database tasks.
  • Students completing CISD 21 - Database Management - Microsoft SQL Server Lecture will be able to create a program using scripts and stored procedures.
Database Management - Microsoft SQL Server Laboratory CISD 21L
  • Students completing CISD21L - Microsoft SQL Server Lab will be able to use the aggregation functions to create summary queries for database tables.
  • Student completing CISD21L - SQL Server Lab will be able to create database triggers to enforce referential integrity.
Database Management - Oracle CISD 31
  • Students completing CISD31 will understand exception handling and know how to take the actions when exceptions are raised.
  • Students completing CISD 31 - Database Management - Oracle Lecture will be able to use decision making statements, loops, and cursors in order to create a business application.
  • Students completing CISD 31 - Database Management - Oracle Lecture will be able to create queries to retrieve data from multiple tables using Oracle functions, views, and scripts.
  • Students completing CISD 31 will be able to understand subqueries.
Database Management - Oracle Laboratory CISD 31L
  • Students completing CISD 31L will be able to create queries to retrieve data from multiple tables using Oracle functions, views, and scripts.
  • Students completing CISD 31L will be able to use decision making statements, loops, and cursors in order to create a business application.
Principles of Object-Oriented Design CISP 10
  • Students completing CISP 10 - Principles of Object-Oriented Design will be able to identify classes (objects) needed to create object-oriented application in any programming language.
  • Students in CISP10 will be able to use Agile methodology to design and create any business application
  • Students completing CISP 10 - Principles of Object-Oriented Design will be able to create a UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram for any given programming application.
Programming in Java CISP 21
  • Students completing CISP 21 - Programming in Java Lecture will be able to construct logical pseudocode that solves a given programming problem as part of project documentation.
  • Students completing CISP 21 - Programming in Java Lecture will be able to create an object oriented program using multiple classes in Java programming language
  • Students completing CISP 21 - Programming in Java Lecture will be able to construct a proper decision statement (if/else constructs) in Java programming language
Programming in Java Laboratory CISP 21L
  • Students completing CISP21L - Programming in Java Laboratory will be able to evaluate calculations and determine the precedence of various operators in an expression.
  • Students completing CISP21L - Programming in Java Laboratory will be able to construct effective if statements and appropriately evaluate their outcomes.