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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Certificate: CIS Professional Certificate in Web Programming - M0812
Course Name Course Number
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Programming CISW 17
  • Students completing CISW 17 - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will be able to design dynamic web pages using JavaScript.
  • Students completing CISW 17 - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will be able to design web pages using tables and multimedia objects.
Secure Web Server Programming in PHP CISW 31
  • Students completing CISW 31 - Secure Web Servers Lecture will know how to install and configure a secure web server.
  • Students completing CISW 31 - Secure Web Servers will create PHP programs to accept, process, and display product orders.
Secure Web Server Programming in PHP Laboratory CISW 31L
  • Students completing CISW 31L - Secure Web Server Laboratory will be able to install and configure Linux, Apache Web Server, MySQL database and PHP.
  • Students completing CISW 31L - Secure Web Server Laboratory will be able to install and access a virtualized Linux, Apache Web Server, MySQL database and PHP (LAMP) server.
Secure Web Server Programming in Python CISW 24
  • Students completing CISW 24 - Secure Server Side Web Programming Lecture will know how to create a program to access a database.
Secure Web Server Programming in Python Laboratory CISW 24L
  • Students completing CISW 24L - Secure Server Side Web Programming Laboratory will know how to create a program to access a database.
  • Students completing CISW 24L - Secure Server Side Web Programming Laboratory will know how to create a program to display formatted reports.