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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Business: Business Administration
Course Name Course Number
Advanced Business Law BUSL 19
  • Students completing BUSL 19 - Advanced Business Law will be able to distinguish between various forms of business organizations.
  • Students completing BUSL 19 - Advanced Business Law will be able to identify negotiable instruments and defenses.
Advanced Legal Analysis and Writing PLGL 32
  • Students successfully completing Advanced Legal Analysis and Writing (PLGL 32) will have successfully completed the official paralegal certification program offered by Lexis/Nexis. This certification is offered for free, online. If Lexis/Nexis stops offering the certification in this manner, the program may discontinue this SLO.
  • Students successfully completing PLGL 32 will have successfully completed the official paralegal certification program offered by Westlaw. This certification is offered for free, online. If Westlaw stops offering the certification in this manner, the program may discontinue this SLO.
  • Students completing PLGL 32 - Advanced Legal Analysis and Writing will be able to prepare a legal memorandum.
  • Students completing PLGL 32 - Advanced Legal Analysis and Writing will be able to prepare a trial brief.
  • Successful PLGL 32 course completers will have met with a counselor or educational advisor and prepared an educational plan for their coursework at Mt. SAC. Alternatively, students may submit a copy of their petition to graduate (at the conclusion of that semester).
Applied Business Statistics BUSC 17
  • Students were asked to write a complete research survey/questionnaire. 100% of the students were able to write a complete survey questionnaire. • 100% Students are able to write a complete research survey/questionnaire.
  • Students were asked to collect both primary and secondary data. 100% of the students were able to collect both primary and secondary data correctly. • 100% Students are able to handle both primary and secondary data.
  • Students completing 80% of the students were able to tabulate and graph the collected data. • 100% Students are able to tabulate and graph the collected data.
  • Students completing 92% of the students were able to analyze the data critically and be able to suggest recommendations. • 75% Students are able to analyze the data critically and be able to suggest recommendations.
Appraisal: Principles and Procedures BUSR 81
  • Students completing BUSR 81 - Appraisal: Principles and Procedures will be able to define highest and best use.
  • Students completing BUSR 81 - Appraisal: Principles and Procedures will be able to identify the three methods of appraising real property.
Bankruptcy Law PLGL 44
  • Students completing PLGL 44 - Bankruptcy Law will be able to distinguish between different types of bankruptcy.
  • Students completing PLGL 44 - Bankruptcy Law will be able to successfully prepare a bankruptcy petition.
Business Law BUSL 18
  • Students completing BUSL 18 - Business Law will be able to brief a case.
  • Students completing BUSL 18 - Business Law will be able to distinguish between a civil cause of action and a criminal cause of action.
Civil Procedure PLGL 33
  • Students completing PLGL 33 - Civil Procedure Pretrial will be able to initiate a civil lawsuit.
  • Students completing PLGL 33 - Civil Procedure Pretrial will successfully draft an answer to a complaint.
Contract Law PLGL 39
  • Students completing PLGL 39 - Contract Law will be able to recognize the basic defenses to the formation of a valid contract.
  • Students completing PLGL 39 - Contract Law will be able to recognize the essential elements of a valid contract.
Criminal Law and Procedures PLGL 48
  • Students completing PLGL 48 - Criminal Law and Procedures will be able to analyze and synthesize statutory and case law in criminal law and procedure by reading and briefing important statutes and cases.
  • Students completing PLGL 48 - Criminal Law and Procedures will be able to apply the procedural aspects of the criminal justice system through a study of a case as it progresses through the system.
Employment and Ethical Issues in Paralegalism PLGL 38
  • Successful course completers will score at least 70% on an assessment of the students' comprehension of the California Rules of Professional Conduct.
  • Successful course completers will prepare a professional paralegal resume which may include links to the student's LinkedIn profile, the program's website, and an e-portfolio.
  • Successful course completers will have posted a profile on a professional networking site such as LinkedIn.
  • Successful course completers will participate in a mock interview with an interviewer who is not the course instructor.
  • Successful course completers will assemble a minimum of two professional writing samples which can be used as part of their job search process.
  • Students completing PLGL 38 - Employment and Ethical Issues in Paralegalism will be able to prepare an employment portfolio.
  • Students completing PLGL 38 - Employment and Ethical Issues in Paralegalism will understand unauthorized practice of law.
Escrow Procedures I BUSR 76
  • Students completing BUSR 76 - Escrow Procedures 1 will be able calculate an escrow proration
  • Students completing BUSR 76 - Escrow Procedures 1 will be able to define key words and phrases used in the escrow profession.
Everyday Law BUSL 100
  • Students will be able to apply legal concepts to contemporary political debates.
  • Students will be able to analyze the cultural, economic, and political environment of the civil rights movement.
Introduction to Paralegal/Legal PLGL 30
  • Students completing PLGL 30 - Introduction to Paralegal/Legal will be able to successfully prepare a case brief.
  • Students completing PLGL 30 - Introduction to Paralegal/Legal will successfully prepare a legal memorandum.
  • Successful PLGL 30 course completers will have met with a counselor or educational advisor and prepared an educational plan for their coursework at Mt. SAC. Ideally the goal of the educational plan will be the A.S. in Paralegal Studies, but this is not required.
Landlord - Tenant Law BUSR 40
  • Students completing PLGL 40 - Landlord - Tenant Law will be able to identify and define what constitutes a habitable residential dwelling as well as understanding the legal ramifications to the parties in a non-habitable tenancy situation.
  • Students completing PLGL 40 - Landlord - Tenant Law will be able to draft a residential tenancy agreement.
Law Office Procedures PLGL 34
  • Students completing PLGL 34 - Law Office Procedure will be able to successfully prepare a simple will.
  • Students completing PLGL 34 - Law Office Procedure will be able to successfully prepare articles of incorporation.
Law Office Technology PLGL 35
  • Students completing PLGL 35 will be able to successfully prepare a simple motion.
  • Students completing PLGL 35 will be able to successfully prepare a client letter.
  • Students completing PLGL 35 will be able to successfully prepare a memorandum of law.
  • Successful PLGL 35 completers will become familiar with various legal specialty software applications used in local law offices, e.g., Relativity, Abacus, Clio, TimeMap, CaseMap, Trial Director, etc.
  • Successful PLGL 35 completers will become competent in the use of computerized legal billing software such as Clio and Tabs 3.
  • Successful PLGL 35 completers will be able to prepare a table of contents for a legal brief, using a software program such as MS Word.
  • Successful PLGL 35 completers will be able to prepare a table of authorities for a legal brief, using a software program such as MS Word.
  • Successful PLGL 35 completers will be able to format a legal document which meets the requirements of the California Code of Civil Procedure and the California Rules of Court.
Legal Analysis and Writing PLGL 31
  • Students completing PLGL 31 - Legal Analysis and Writing will be able to distinguish between and use the various manual legal research resources.
  • Students completing PLGL 31 - Legal Analysis and Writing will be able to brief a moderately complex legal case.
Legal Aspects of Real Estate BUSR 51
  • Students completing BUSR 51 - Legal Aspects of Real Estate will know the elements of contract formation.
  • Students completing BUSR 51 - Legal Aspects of Real Estate will be able to differentiate between single and dual agency.
Litigation Support Applications PLGL 103
  • Students will be able to correctly explain the types of forensic collections: full-forensic, logical, and targeted.
  • Students will be able to describe and analyze different eDiscovery tools and their uses.
  • Students will be able to describe types of digital evidence and explain factors affecting digital evidence collection.
  • Students will be able to summarize the U.S. Federal Rules on digital evidence.
  • Students will be able to use the Electronic Discovery Reference Model.
  • Students will be able to define the required data deliverable items in responding to, or propounding, a request for production of documents.
  • Students will be able to explain when to use eDiscovery consultants, special masters, and forensic mediators.
  • Students will be able to use software tools to identify and review relevant data.
  • Students will be able to explain eDiscovery project management tasks, including sampling and metrics.
Litigation Support Technology from Data Collection to Trial PLGL 102
  • Students will be able to explain full-forensic, logical, and targeted collections.
Paralegal Internship PLGL 36
  • By working in a legal environment, the paralegal intern will comprehend the nature of a career as a paralegal, including application of paralegal knowledge and skills learned in the classroom, appreciation of proper office decorum and behavior, responsibility for being prompt and punctual, and application of high standards when generating work product.
  • At the conclusion of the internship the paralegal intern will prepare a new resume which contains the internship and lists skills developed at the internship. The intern will also write a sample cover letter which emphasizes the internship experience.
Principles of Economics - Macroeconomics BUSC 1A
  • Students completing BUSC 1A - Principles of Economics - Macroeconomics will correctly know the use of fiscal policy and will be able to comment on the fiscal policy used by the government.
  • Students completing BUSC 1A - Principles of Economics - Macroeconomics will correctly know the use of monetary policy and make comments on the monetary policy being used by the FED.
Principles of Economics - Macroeconomics - Honors BUSC 1AH
  • Students completing BUSC 1AH - Principles of Economics - Macroeconomics - Honors will correctly know the use of monetary policy and will be able to comment on the monetary policy used by the FED.
  • Students completing BUSC 1AH - Principles of Economics - Macroeconomics - Honors will correctly know the use of fiscal policy and will be able to comment on the fiscal policy being used by the government.
Principles of Economics - Microeconomics BUSC 1B
  • Students were asked to determine the merits of price-quantity determination in the market economy of the Unites States.
  • Students completing BUSC 1B - Principles of Economics - Microeconomics will correctly know consumer's behavior to maximize their utility in allocating scarce resources to satisfy their infinite wants.
  • Students completing BUSC 1B - Principles of Economics - Microeconomics will be able to choose quantities of different commodities having different price tags by spending limited amount of money to maximize satisfaction
  • Students completing BUSC 1B - Principles of Economics - Microeconomics will use producer's behavior to determine price of the product they produce under various market situations to maximize profit
  • Students were asked to discuss the reason for not giving welfare recipients their welfare benefits in cash rather than in-kind.
  • Students should be able to distinguish between public and private goods. Students should also be able to explain why private market fails to provide public goods.
  • Students should be able explain externalities and distinguish between external costs and external benefits.
Principles of Economics -Microeconomics - Honors BUSC 1BH
  • Students completing BUSC 1BH - Principles of Economics - Microeconomics - Honors will correctly know the consumers' behavior to maximize their utility by allocating scarce resources.
  • Students completing BUSC 1BH - Principles of Economics - Microeconomics - Honors will correctly know the producers' behavior to maximize their profit by allocating scarce resources.
  • Students should be able to distinguish between public goods and private goods. Students should be able to explain why private market fails to provide public goods.
  • Students were given a research paper to discuss and analyze "Coase Theorem" with respect to market failure and government intervention in the presence of externalities. They were asked to use examples to make their point. 100% of the student were able to discuss "Coase Theorem" properly citing some other research studies. All students got over 85% score in this paper.
Project Management Principles in eDiscovery PLGL 101
  • Students will be able to define process groups and knowledge areas of project management.
  • Students will be able to prepare a comprehensive eDiscovery project plan.
Property Law PLGL 41
  • Students completing PLGL 41 - Property Law will be able to successfully discuss at least four ways to transfer title to real property.
  • Students completing PLGL 41 - Property Law will be able to successfully identify the differences among different types of property ownership (community property, joint tenancy, and tenancy in common) scoring no less than 70%.
Real Estate Economics BUSR 55
  • Students completing BUSR 55 - Real Estate Economics will be able to identify factors affecting Demand in Real Estate
  • Students completing BUSR 55 - Real Estate Economics will be able to identify the forces affecting supply in Real Estate.
Real Estate Finance BUSR 53
  • Students completing BUSR 53 - Real Estate Finance will be able to understand the elements of an adjustable rate loan.
  • Students completing BUSR 53 - Real Estate Finance will be able to identify the role of the Secondary Mortgage Market.
Real Estate Investment Planning BUSR 60
  • Students completing BUSR 60 - Real Estate Investment Planning will be able to distinguish between the aspects of real estate and other types of investments.
  • Students completing BUSR 60 - Real Estate Investment Planning will be able to identify the advantages and disadvantages of different real estate investments.
Real Estate Practice BUSR 52 (VOC)
  • Students completing BUSR 52 - Real Estate Practice will be able to set realistic, measurable goals for themselves in business.
  • Students completing BUSR 52 - Real Estate Practice will be able to complete the California Real Property Purchase Agreement.
  • Students completing BUSR 52 - Real Estate Practice Work Experience will be able to successfully complete an Exclusive Right to Sell Listing Agreement
Real Estate Principles BUSR 50
  • Students completing BUSR 50 - Real Estate Principles will understand the difference between real and personal property.
  • Students completing BUSR 50 - Real Estate Principles will have knowledge equivalent to the knowledge needed to pass the Department of Real Estate salesperson license exam.
  • Students completing BUSR 50 - Real Estate Principles will understand the significance of fiduciary duty.
Real Estate Property Management BUSR 59
  • Students completing BUSR 59 - Real Estate Property Management will know what a trust fund is and the importance of maintaining records on trust fund receipts.
  • Students completing BUSR 59 - Real Estate Property Management will understand the legal relationship between a landlord and a tenant
The Litigation Practice and eDiscovery PLGL 100
  • Students completing PLGL 100 - The Litigation Process and eDiscovery will be able to identify and describe the steps in the EDRM process
  • Students completing PLGL 100 - The Litigation Process and eDiscovery will be able to identify and describe sources of discovery rules and obligations.
  • Students completing PLGL 100 – The Litigation Process and eDiscovery will be able to draft legal holds and data maps
  • Students completing PLGL 100 -The Litigation Process and eDiscovery will be able to identify and discuss the issues of spoliation and defensibility
Tort Law PLGL 37
  • Students completing PLGL 37 - Tort Law will be able to list, describe, and apply the four elements of negligence.
  • Students completing PLGL 37 - Tort Law will be able to distinguish among strict liability, negligence, and intentional torts.
Wills and Trusts PLGL 43
  • Students completing PLGL 43 - Wills and Trusts will have gained an understanding of probate administration.
  • Students completing PLGL 43 - Wills and Trusts will be able to distinguish between wills and trusts.