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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Business: Accounting and Management
Course Name Course Number
Advertising and Promotion BUSS 33
  • I am able to differentiate between the various media available to promote sales
  • I am able to identify sources of information needed for research, planning and evaluating the promotion mix
  • I am able to compare and contrast the effectiveness of promotional campaigns
Bookkeeping - Accounting BUSA 72 (VOC)
  • I am able to utilize procedures of cash control in such areas as petty cash funds, change funds, cash short and over and bank reconciliation
  • I am able to analyze business transactions, and journalize and post transactions to ledger accounts
  • I am able to explain the concept of double-entry accounting within the categories of asset, liability, owner's equity, revenue and expense account
Business Communications BUSO 25
  • I am able to develop and deliver a 3-5 minute presentation on a business related topic
  • I am able to use informative and sales letters to convey information and influence people favorably
  • I am able to compose an appropriate, effective letter presenting good news, bad news, sales, or persuasive content
Business English BUSO 5
  • I am able to analyze sentences in terms of part of speech and sentence structure
  • I am able to develop business related ideas into unified, coherent paragraphs, using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • I am able to apply correct punctuation to sentences
Business Mathematics BUSA 68 (VOC)
  • I am able to solve business-related word problems
  • I am able to round whole numbers, decimals and percents
  • I am able to demonstrate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers
Business Organization and Management BUSM 61 (VOC)
  • I am able to apply management concepts and functions
  • I am able to identify organizing principles and identify different organizational designs
  • I am able to perform the strategic planning process and utilize decision making models
Cost Accounting BUSA 21
  • I am able to define cost concepts, terms, behaviors and evaluate relevant costs for decision making
  • I am able to evaluate data for planning and controlling current operations
  • I am able to accumulate data for special decisions and long- range planning
Excel for Accounting BUSA 76
  • I am able to create a chart using Excel software
  • I am able to solve managerial accounting problems with Excel software
  • I am able to explain how Excel software should be used and applied by a company in its day to day business operations
Federal Income Tax Law BUSA 58
  • I am able to define accounting terms and concepts related to federal and state income tax
  • I am able to calculate tax accounting problems
  • I am able to prepare federal income tax returns
Fundamentals of Accounting BUSA 11 (VOC)
  • I am able to calculate simple interest for a loan
  • I am able to calculate depreciation using the straight line method of depreciation
  • I am able to compute the ending balance in a company?s inventory account using FIFO and LIFO inventory methods
Human Relations in Business BUSM 60 (VOC)
  • I am able to review motivational theories related to organizational behavior
  • I am able to analyze social perception
  • I am able to define organizational culture, socialization and mentoring
Human Resource Management BUSM 62 (VOC)
  • I am able to develop interviewing skills
  • I am able to write a job description and job specification
  • I am able to explain theory and practical application of Equal Employment Opportunity current employment laws
Intermediate Accounting BUSA 52
  • I am able to Interpret the statements and reports that emerge from the accounting process.
  • I am able to Explain accounting for inventory valuation issues.
  • I am able to Explain valuation of the acquisition and disposition of property, plant, and equipment
Intermediate Accounting II BUSA 52B
  • I am able to Explain the presentation and analysis of long-term debt.
  • I am able to Describe income taxes, income tax expense, income taxes payable, and their presentation on the income statement and balance sheet.
  • I am able to Describe changes and error analysis and the preparation of financial statements with error corrections.
Oral Communications for Business BUSO 26
  • I am able to evaluate presentation preparation and delivery
  • I am able to develop topical outlines, note cards, and visual aids
  • I am able to apply communication skills in simulated business situations such as conferences and business groups
Payroll and Tax Accounting BUSA 70 (VOC)
  • I am able to calculate wages and withholding amounts in payroll problems
  • I am able to identify payroll records required by the employer in preparation for filing tax forms for Social Security, federal and state income tax, state disability benefits, and federal and state unemployment
  • I am able to assemble payroll record keeping requirements for employers under current state and federal laws
Personal Financial Planning BUSA 71
  • I am able to develop a personal definition of financial success
  • I am able to explain the importance of planning and saving for retirement during the course of my lifetime
  • I know how to evaluate my own personal spending patterns and create my own personal budgets
Principles of Accounting - Financial BUSA 7 (VOC)
  • I am able to utilize accounting information including financial statements to perform financial statement analysis
  • I am able to analyze and record transactions, using a journal and a ledger, of varying degrees of difficulty including adjusting, and closing entries
  • I am able to describe the basic accounting system and how it is used to serve business needs
Principles of Accounting - Managerial BUSA 8
  • I am able to explain the role of the managerial accountant and describe the uses of managerial accounting information
  • I am able to distinguish between product and period costs and explain which of these costs are shown on the balance sheet and which costs are shown on the income statement
  • I am able to describe a job order cost accounting system and explain how manufacturing costs flow through the inventory accounts of the balance sheet and move onto the income statement.
Principles of Business BUSM 20 (VOC)
  • I am able to list and explain the foundations upon which business is built and the economic challenges facing the United States
  • I am able to describe and explain social responsibility and business ethics
  • I am able to explain the global dimensions affecting businesses today and in the future
Principles of Continuous Quality Improvement BUSM 10 (VOC)
  • I am able to describe describe and explain the quality management tools and techniques for process improvement
  • I am able to contrast quality management theory and previous management thought
  • I am able to define and outline the key principles of continuous quality management
Principles of Exporting and Importing BUSM 52 (VOC)
  • I am able to describe types of international trade transportation intermediaries
  • I am able to define key international trade documentation requirements
  • I am able to explain how a small business can prepare to conduct export operations
Principles of International Business BUSM 51 (VOC)
  • I am able to explain how culture impacts international business
  • I am able to explain the differences between domestic business and international business
  • I am able to identify how governments influence trade
Principles of Marketing BUSS 36 (VOC)
  • I have developed a working knowledge of marketing terminology
  • I am able to recall and apply distribution strategies used in the marketing of products and services
  • I am able to recall and apply promotional strategies used in the marketing of products and services.
Professional Selling BUSS 35 (VOC)
  • I am able to evaluate my own potential as a professional salesperson and set goals for improvement
  • I am able to compare and contrast customer needs, wants, product features and benefits
  • I am able to list the characteristics of a successful salesperson
QuickBooks for Accounting BUSA 75 (VOC)
  • I am able to prepare financial statements
  • I am able to process collections from customers and update accounts receivable
  • I am able to use computerized accounting software to process accounting transactions
Retail Store Management and Merchandising BUSS 50 (VOC)
  • I am able to compare and contrast requirements for success in retailing at entry level, mid-management and management positions
  • I am able to explain the role of retail as a marketing function
  • I am able to explain the elements of profits and the effect merchandising decisions have on profit
Small Business Management BUSM 66 (VOC)
  • I am able to describe business planning for small business
  • I am able to discuss the marketing research process
  • I am able to discuss the legal forms of business ownership
Special Issues in Business BUSM 85 (VOC)
  • I am able to develop and manage a budget for a business
  • I am able to evaluate the effectiveness of a business plan
  • I am able to analyze businesses and identify objectives to be accomplished
Special Issues in Marketing BUSS 85 (VOC)
  • I am able to produce a written report of solutions, recommended actions and expected outcomes for a marketing problem brought forward by a local business and present it orally to the business
  • I am able to develop and suggest a budget required to implement the proposed marketing plan for a studied company
  • I am able to develop a customer survey or questionnaire to be used to collect customer data as part of a class project
Supply Chain Management BUSM 53
  • I am able to identify and explain elements of an organization's supply chain.
  • I am able to describe the benefits of a robust supply chain process.
  • I am able to explain the relationship of suppliers and distributors to ensure optimal supplies of materials in an organization.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance I BUSA 59
  • I am able to describe ethical volunteer standards of conduct for the VITA program.
  • I am able to identify the appropriate tax return to file for taxpayer.
  • I am able to prepare tax forms, including 1040EZ, 1040A, 1040 with schedule A, B, and C-EZ.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance II BUSA 60
  • I am able to define initial information required for filing individual income tax returns.
  • I am able to determine if taxpayer meets VITA qualifications.
  • I am able to prepare individual Federal and State income tax returns for low income individuals and families using current software, including 1040EZ, 1040A, 1040 with schedule A, B, and C-EZ.
Work Experience in Accounting BUSA 81
  • I am able to apply skills learned in the classroom under actual work conditions
  • I am able to interview at a work site and present myself professionally
  • I am able to demonstrate the ability to complete an employment application
Work Experience in Business BUSM 81
  • I am able to interview at a work site and present myself professionally
  • I am able to complete an employment application
  • I am able to write measurable learning objectives
Work Experience in Marketing Management BUSS 79
  • I am able to establish and maintain a positive relationship with employer
  • I am able to establish and maintain a positive and constructive relationship with co-workers
  • I am able to establish and maintain productive relationships with customers
World Culture: A Business Perspective BUSM 50
  • I am able to analyze cultural differences when doing business with different cultural groups
  • I am able to discuss cultural roles and how they differ among cultures
  • I am able to discuss gender roles in various cultures and contrast among countries