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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Architecture Certificate: Architectural Design Concentration Level-II - N0467
Course Name Course Number
Architectural Materials and Specifications ARCH 142
  • Students will be able to identify the primary CSI divisions by name and correlated number
  • Students will be able to measure, cut and nail lumber of various length to frame a floor joist system
Architectural Presentations ARCH 122
  • Students will incorporate invisible grid form layout in a presentation board,
  • Students will be able to have basic knowledge of Adobe Software such as Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign to create a presentation boards
CADD and Digital Design Media Level I ARCH 121
  • Student will be able to import images of human figures into Rhino3D software, and scale the height of the person in that image to an actual feet and inches height.
  • Students will be able to assign different line types and line weight to specific drawing types.
Design I - Elements of Design ARCH 101
  • Visit and synthesize actual site, program and concept to produce small buildings for a specific location.
  • Students will be able to use design tools and equipment of the profession.
  • Students will be able to apply graphic principles/standards and conventions used in 2D/3D architectural design.
  • Students will apply subtractive process as a design methodology
Design II - Architectural Design ARCH 102
  • Students will apply their knowledge of selected case study project to analyze and understand precedence to their design
  • students will study the composition of planar elements to create architectural space
  • Students will re-contour a hillside creating flat buildable areas using the cut and fill method
  • Students will be able to apply the design process to create small building design(s).
Design III - Environmental Design ARCH 201
  • Students will develop a response to a site analysis
  • Students will be able to apply the environmental design process and procedure beyond the scope of a single building.
World Architecture I ARCH 250
  • Students will be able to compare the architecture of ancient and classic civilizations.
  • Students will identify the major architectural works of ancient and classic civilizations.