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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Aeronautics, Transportation Degree: AS – Unmanned Aircraft Systems – S0661
Course Name Course Number
Aviation Safety and Human Factors AERO 200
  • Identify strategies recommended to reduce hazardous personal attitudes leading to pilot error and aviation accidents.
Aviation Weather AERO 102
  • Appraise cause and effect of evaporation, saturation, condensation, and precipitation on atmosphere's water cycle.
  • Students will be able to decipher Federal Aviation Administration hourly airport weather observations (METAR) and terminal aerodrome forecasts (TAF).
  • Encode and decode hourly surface weather observations; and decode pilot reports, terminal forecasts, area forecasts, winds aloft forecasts, and meteorological advisories.
  • Correlate and summarize the aviation weather conditions and forecast for a specific location on a particular day using U.S. Low-Level Significant Weather Prognostic Chart, High-Level Significant Weather Prognostic Chart, and the Radar Summary Chart.
  • Identify layers of earth's atmosphere and determine height and at least one characteristic of each layer.
  • Relate differences in true altitude, actual altitude, indicated altitude, and pressure altitude.
Basic Digital and Film Photography PHOT 10 (VOC)
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, i.e. 1000,500,250,125,60,30,15,8,4, 2, 1 and what they do, i.e. control exposure and motion.
  • Identify and describe the parts of a camera (i.e. lens, f/stop, shutter, etc.) and their functions.
  • Relate aperture settings to resulting depth of field characteristics.
  • Determine correct exposure values to produce photographic images.
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, i.e. 1.4,2,2.8,4,5.6,8,11,16,22, 33 and what they do, i.e. control motion and depth of field
  • Demonstrate appropriate shutter settings for motion and freeze action.
  • Select and present photographs in a presentation format appropriate to the subject (e.g. dry mounting , digital media, projection.)
  • Identify compositional elements (i.e. line, texture, shape, patterns, perspective) of a photographic image.
  • Select appropriate output media (i.e. digital or silver gelatin) for photographic prints.
Digital Capture Workflow PHOT 11B
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of f/stop control. What the f/stops are, and what they do (such as shallow depth of field and great depth of field).
  • Students completing Photography Courses will know the core skills of shutter control. What the shutter speeds are, what they do, (such as stop action and create blur).
Drone Basic Still and Motion Camera Operator PHOT 50
  • MO2 - Create video content using drone pre-flight, flight, and post-flight production procedures.
Federal Aviation Regulations AERO 104
  • Students will be able to identify, classify, and describe FAA airspace by the operational differences and equipment requirements.
  • Identify the terms and vocabulary associated with aviation terminology and federal aviation regulations.
  • Examine the variety of planning requirements for cross-country flights including an analysis of FAR Part 1 regulations.
  • Analyze requirements for Visual Flight Rules operations, including weather minimums in a variety of airspace scenarios.
  • Identify the FAA eligibility requirements, aeronautical knowledge requirements and aeronautical experience requirements for each FAA pilot certificate and rating.
  • Classify airspace by operational differences and equipment requirements.
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems GEOG 10 (VOC)
  • Perform simple spatial data analysis using appropriate software.
  • Analyze case studies of geographic problems and the procedures used to solve them.
  • Demonstrate the ability to communicate the results of GIS analysis through appropriate maps, documents and web pages.
  • Manipulate geographic data and the fundamentals of geographic data structures
  • Describe the fundamentals of cartography and the importance of map projections in constructing effective maps.
  • Construct simple spatial databases.
  • Apply principles of geographic data display to GIS problems.
Primary Pilot Ground School AERO 100
  • Use and read six basic flight instruments.
  • Students will be able to compute safe limits of aircraft weight and balance on light aircraft.
  • Students will demonstrate their understanding of the various procedures and techniques utilized in cross-country flight navigation
  • Identify terms and vocabulary associated with piloting and air traffic control.
  • Calculate and complete a flight planning log using aircraft performance data, aeronautical charts, navigation plotter, and manual flight computer.
  • Analyze the fundamentals of airplane and helicopter aerodynamics and flight characteristics.
  • Recognize symbols and decode data from aeronautical charts.
  • Interpret radio navigation instruments and determine the aircraft line of position.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Advanced AERO 210
  • Plan geospatial mapping mission using a fixed wing or multi-rotor unmanned aircraft and demonstrate the capture of data in simulated or actual conditions.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Basic AERO 160
  • Identify the aviation regulations and operating practices issued by the Federal Aviation Administration concerning unmanned aircraft operations.