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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Administration of Justice Degree: AS-T - S0362
Course Name Course Number
Community Relations ADJU 5
  • Students will be able to identify the Three Eras of Policing in America.
  • Students will demonstrate that they understand the beginnings of the Modern Police Force.
Concepts of Criminal Law ADJU 3
  • Students will detail the interview and investigation process that is used to identify evidence of a crime
  • Students will identify the elements of criminal codes.
Elementary Statistics Math 110
  • Students will be able to use sample statistics to develop a confidence interval for population parameters. Using sample statistics from one or more samples, students will be able to test a claim made about a population parameter.
  • Using bivariate data, students will be able to determine whether a significant linear correlation exists between two variables and determine the equation of the regression line.
  • Using sample statistics from one or more samples, students will be able to test a claim made about a population parameter.
  • Students will be able to use sample statistics to develop a confidence interval for population parameters
  • Students will be able to determine descriptive statistics from a sample
Elementary Statistics -Honors Math 110H
  • Students will be able to use sample statistics to develop a confidence interval for population parameters. Using sample statistics from one or more samples, students will be able to test a claim made about a population parameter.
  • Students will be able to use sample statistics to develop a confidence interval for population parameters
  • Students will be able to determine descriptive statistics from a sample.
  • Using bivariate data, students will be able to determine whether a significant linear correlation exists between two variables and determine the equation of the regression line.
  • Using sample statistics from one or more samples, students will be able to test a claim made about a population parameter
Introduction to Forensics for Criminal Justice ADJU 50
  • 70% of the students will describe in detail three main tasks required of the first officers arriving at a crime scene.
Introduction to Psychology PSYC 1A
  • Differentiate the major theoretical perspectives of psychology.
  • Demonstrate psychology is a science by explaining how psychology utilizes the scientific method.
  • Apply psychological principles to personal observations and / or experiences.
Introduction to Psychology - Honors PSYC 1AH
  • Explain how psychology utilizes the scientific method
  • Be able to differentiate the major theoretical perspectives of psychology.
  • Apply psychological principles to personal experiences.
Introduction to Sociology SOC 1
  • Students will identify and apply the main sociological theoretical frameworks to analyze social stratification based on race, ethnicity, gender, social class, sexuality or other social groups.
  • Students will apply sociological research to distinguish the interrelatedness of various social institutions and the relationship between society and the individual.
  • Students will identify the role of culture and socialization in the development of one’s beliefs, opinions, and values.
Introduction to Sociology - Honors SOC 1H
  • Students will identify and apply the main sociological theoretical frameworks to analyze social stratification based on race, ethnicity, gender, social class, sexuality or other social groups.
  • Students will apply sociological research to distinguish the interrelatedness of various social intuitions and the relationship between society and the individual.
Legal Aspects of Evidence ADJU 4
  • 70 percent of students tested will be able to recognize the legal circumstances when a Miranda advisement is mandatory.
  • 70 percent of students tested will be able to recognize the legal exceptions to Miranda advisements.
Principles and Procedures of the Justice System ADJU 2 (VOC)
  • Students will identify the purpose and need for Criminal Procedures.
The Administration of Justice System ADJU 1 (VOC)
  • Analyze the political issues associated with managing priorities within the criminal justice system