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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Administration of Justice Degree: AS - S0404
Course Name Course Number
Administration of Justice Report Writing ADJU 68
  • Students will provide the necessary documentation and structure for a crime report.
  • 60% of students score 70% or higher on a crime report, documenting a given crime scenario Schedule:
  • Students will exhibit strong and effective written and oral communication skills.
Community Relations ADJU 5
  • Students will demonstrate that they understand the beginnings of the Modern Police Force.
  • Students will be able to identify the Three Eras of Policing in America.
Concepts of Criminal Law ADJU 3
  • Students will detail the interview and investigation process that is used to identify evidence of a crime
  • Students will identify the elements of criminal codes.
Concepts of Traffic Services ADJU 13
  • Demonstrate the ability to accurately diagram a traffic collision
Introduction to Correctional Sciences ADJU 10
  • Students will define the duties of the courts at the county, state, and federal levels and relate those duties to the tasks of corrections.
Legal Aspects of Evidence ADJU 4
  • 70 percent of students tested will be able to recognize the legal circumstances when a Miranda advisement is mandatory.
  • 70 percent of students tested will be able to recognize the legal exceptions to Miranda advisements.
Principles and Procedures of the Justice System ADJU 2 (VOC)
  • Students will identify the purpose and need for Criminal Procedures.
The Administration of Justice System ADJU 1 (VOC)
  • Analyze the political issues associated with managing priorities within the criminal justice system