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Student Learning Outcomes

Course Name: History of Photography
Course Number: PHOT 15 (VOC)
  • Students that complete PHOT 15 will be able to describe the major early photographic processes.
  • Students that complete PHOT 15 will be able to identify the major inventors contributing at the inception of photographic processes.
  • Students that complete PHOT 15 will be able to contrast early art photography and commercial photography
  • Students that complete PHOT 15 will be able to analyze the various historical styles within the early photo art movements
  • Students that complete PHOT 15 will be able to discuss the social impact photography had in the first decades of its introduction.
  • Students that complete PHOT 15 will be able to define the major photographic movements from the early 1800's to mid 1900's.
  • The student will recognize the major inventors of the first photographic processes; i.e. Daguerreotype, Calotype, Collodion etc.
  • Students will recognize at least two major technological events leading to the invention of the first photographic process.