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Student Learning Outcomes

Course Name: Electronics Circuit (AC)
Course Number: ELEC 50B
  • Students will be able to accurately measure amplitude and time parameters of a periodic waveform displayed on the oscilloscope screen.
  • Demonstrate the proper use of test equipment (oscilloscope, function generator, frequency counter) when measuring electrical quantities in a lab exercise. (MO)
  • Compare and contrast characteristics of series versus parallel AC circuits. (MO)
  • Evaluate the characteristics of frequency selective circuits. (MO)
  • Students completing ELEC 50B will be able to employ polar and/or rectangular notation to determine the magnitude and phase shift of an unknown circuit parameter (voltage, current, impedance, and/or power).
  • Define common terms and recognize symbols used in AC electronics. (MO)
  • Analyze operation of AC circuits. (MO)
  • Calculate unknown electrical quantities in AC circuits. (MO)
  • Measure and record AC electrical quantities. (MO)