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Student Learning Outcomes

Course Name: Special Projects in Astronomy - Astrophotography
Course Number: ASTR 99B
  • Students learn to create their original astroimages by meeting all of the course measurable objectives. 1- Students learn about the different kinds of astronomical objects they can image and how to choose the right telescope/camera combination to best capture that image by calculating their field of view. 2-Students pick out their preferred astrophotography targets in advance by taking into consideration what is visible this time of year and the available field of view of the equipment they are working with. 3- Students learn how to take images using DSLR all color cameras as well as a CCD monochrome camera using color filters and choose which method to capture their chosen targets. 4-Students process all the data gathered by their telescopes and distill it into a single comprehensive image by correctly applying calibration frames and stacking their images. 5- Students present their astrophotography images in a final portfolio that is presented to the rest of their class. 6- Students keep a detailed log of their telescope data and submit the relevant information in their final porfolio (number of exposures taken, location photo was taken, filters used, etc...)