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Student Learning Outcomes

Course Name: Demo-Reel
Course Number: ANIM 148
  • Outcome/Objective Students will be able to identify an area of focus within the 3D animation field.
  • Outcome/Objective Students will create a demo-reel of appropriate artwork based on the research produced in the class.
  • Identify area of focus within animation fields based on interest, skill and strength.
  • Apply principles of composition and animation in objective and subjective analysis of work appropriate for demo reel.
  • Evaluate how animation and images work together in a demo reel as a strategic tool for entering animation fields.
  • Identify and solve demo reel problems by applying animation concepts and techniques.
  • Discuss, analyze and evaluate work with appropriate terminology for content, technique and style.
  • Create demo-reel of appropriate art work, cover letter and resume that will assist in entering animation field or baccalaureate institution.