
Parking Permit Application Process for Faculty and Staff

  1. Visit the Parking Permit Application page and click “Purchase Permit” 
    Step 1: Purchase a Permit
  2. Scroll down to Annual Staff Permit and click the “Register” button 
    Step 2: Apply for Staff Permit
  3. Click “Create Account”
    Step 3: Create an Account
  4. Provide Name, Email, Password, and then “Create Account” bar
    Step 4: Insert your Account Details
  5. After creating the account, check your email account for message from “ – Citizen Connect: Email Confirmation” to confirm.
    Step 5: Look for an email confirmation for your account
  6. Click “Confirm Email”
    Step 6: Confirm your account
  7. Click “Sign In” into account
    Step 7: Sign into your account
  8. Complete “Your Info” boxes – Name, Email, Phone #, A-number, Address, etc.
    Step 8: Complete your account profile
  9. Add your vehicle information. 
    Step 9: Enter your vehicle information
  10. Provide Address Information
    Step 10: Provide your address
  11. Click “Register for Permit”
    Step 11: Register for the permit
  12. Look for “Permit Confirmation” message
    Step 12: Look for Confirmation message
  13. Check email for “Receipt of Permit Application”
    Step 13: Check email for permit application receipt
  14. Check email for “Receipt of Permit Approval / Denial”
    Step 14: Check email for receipt of permit approval