Mt. SAC Important Message

Mt. SAC Alert #3: Building 26A is also impacted by a partial power outage. Classes in Buildings 26A, 26B, 26C and 26D are canceled for the rest of the day. Employees should take direction from their direct managers. All operations will resume as regularly scheduled tomorrow. Classes are operating as scheduled in all other buildings.



Any time your class will not be meeting at its regular location or time,
take the following steps PRIOR to the occurrence:

Change of Class Meeting Place:

Your Division Office must be notified and approval granted prior to changing the meeting place of a class to a location other than the one originally scheduled.
If you or a student needs to be reached in an emergency, office personnel must be able to locate your class quickly!

Off-Campus Meeting:

Use the Field Trip Authorization form and complete Section A indicating an “Off-Campus Class Meeting”.

1.  Fill out Section A of the Field Trip Authorization and Transportation Request form.   

2. Have each student fill out the Student Travel Agreement and Medical Release form

2.  Get the completed form approved by your Department Chair.  Find your Department Chair Here

3.  Submit the Chair-approved form to the Division Office for approval.  Find your Division Office Here

Field Trip WITH Transportation:  

Use the Field Trip Authorization form and complete Sections A and B. Forms must be submitted one month prior to the event.

1.  Fill out a Field Trip Authorization and Transportation Request form

2.  Get the completed form approved by your Department Chair.  Find your Department Chair Here

3.  Submit the Chair-approved form to the Division Office for approval.  Find your Division Office Here

Field Trip WITHOUT Transportation:

Use the Field Trip Authorization form, complete Section A and indicate “Students will provide own transportation” across the bottom of the form.  Forms should be submitted at least two weeks in advance if possible. Under no circumstances should you transport students in your own personal car due to liability.

1.  Fill out a Field Trip Authorization and Transportation Request form.  

2.  Get the completed form approved by your Department Chair.  Find your Department Chair Here

3.  Submit the Chair-approved form to the Division Office for approval.  Find your Division Office Here

*Current forms and information on organizing field trips.