Mt. SAC Important Message

Mt. SAC Alert #3: Building 26A is also impacted by a partial power outage. Classes in Buildings 26A, 26B, 26C and 26D are canceled for the rest of the day. Employees should take direction from their direct managers. All operations will resume as regularly scheduled tomorrow. Classes are operating as scheduled in all other buildings.



 The Faculty Association is the exclusive representative for the unit of employees at
Mt. San Antonio College known as professors. 

 Mt. SAC Faculty Association Website

Included in this unit are Full-Time Regular, Contract, and Temporary Instructors, Counselors, Librarians, Department Chairpersons, Instructional Specialists (Disabled Programs and Services), and other faculty on reassigned time.  The Mt. San Antonio College Faculty Association, Inc., CTA/NEA is an affiliate of the California Teachers Association and the National Education Association.