
Passport Rewards Leaderboards

Winners are announced Weeks 7 and 14 (Fall and Spring) and Week 5 (Winter and Summer).
"Winners" are those with the most stamps in their passports during the appropriate time period. Winners will receive a certificate noting their accomplishment and a $10 gift card.
Former Language Partner Winners

Language Partners

  1. Tran Huynh & Christy Han (KO)
  2. Maxwell Rodriguez and Jonathan Claustro (JP) and Dominique Pasion and Yurie Zhou (JP)
students talking

Rosetta Stone World Languages

  1. Issa Kabar (KO)
  2. Guillermo Cardenas (IT)
  3. Charma Caballero (FR)
Get rewarded for attending tutoring

English Tutoring SDLAs

  1. Jenny Yu
  2. Marlene Aguilar 
  3. Loly Ramirez
Former Passport Rewards winner

Rosetta Stone English

  1. Meisong Yang and Jiali Li (TIE)
  2. Violeta Villanueva