
VOICES Committee

About Us

VOICES stands for Valuing Opinions/Opportunities & Identifying and Communicating Employee Successes. 

Our Purpose

In alignment with the College’s Mission, Vision, Core Values and Goals, the VOICES Committee is a resource for identifying, developing, and communicating employee recognition to enhance employee performance and morale.

Our Function

  1. To establish a culture of celebrating employee achievement at Mt. SAC.
  2.  To support existing and encourage new recognition programs across campus.
  3.  To develop effective communication tools and processes for highlighting employee achievement. 
  4. To collaborate with Professional and Organizational Development on matters of employee recognition consistent with the College's Mission, Vision, Core Values, and goals.
  5. To develop, plan, support, implement, and communicate recognition activities and employee achievement. 
  6. To enhance employee performance and morale through engagement opportunities.

Our Members

Name Member Position Phone Email
Melissa Cone (Chair) Confidential (909) 274-5515
VACANT Member At-Large (909) 274-XXXX  
Desiree Marquez Management Steering (909) 274-4417
Loralyn Isomura  CSEA 262  (909) 274-5770
Lizette Henderson Manager (909) 274-5481
VACANT Faculty Association (909) 274-XXXX  
John Lewallen Classified Senate (909) 274-4137 
Maribel Gonzalez Academic Senate (909) 274-5235
VACANT CSEA 651 (909) 274-XXXX