Athletic Trainer Aide IView Catalog Details

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Athletic Trainer Aide I
View Catalog Details


Contact: Liz WardTitle: Department ChairContact:
Career Outlook Athletic Trainer Aide I

Kinesiology, Athletics and Dance Division
Certificate E0802

The Athletic Trainer Aide I Certificate provides minimal experience necessary to assist High School Athletic Trainers and Athletic Health Care Providers in the community. Students desiring a Bachelor’s Degree (transfer program) should consult with an advisor to discuss transferability of courses.

Required Courses
Industry StatisticsJob Titles & Salaries
Select a related job title below to view demand & salary information
    • Athletic Trainers

      Athletic Trainers

      SOC Career Code: 29-9091.00

      Evaluate and treat musculoskeletal injuries or illnesses. Provide preventive, therapeutic, emergency, and rehabilitative care.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Physical Therapist Aides

      Physical Therapist Aides

      SOC Career Code: 31-2022.00

      Under close supervision of a physical therapist or physical therapy assistant, perform only delegated, selected, or routine tasks in specific situations. These duties include preparing the patient and the treatment area.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors

      Fitness Trainers and Aerobics Instructors

      SOC Career Code: 39-9031.00

      Instruct or coach groups or individuals in exercise activities for the primary purpose of personal fitness. Demonstrate techniques and form, observe participants, and explain to them corrective measures necessary to improve their skills. Develop and implement individualized approaches to exercise.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages

Certificate & Degree Details

Select a certificate below to expand details
  • Athletic Trainer Aide I

    Kinesiology, Athletics and Dance Division
    Certificate E0802

    The Athletic Trainer Aide I Certificate provides minimal experience necessary to assist High School Athletic Trainers and Athletic Health Care Providers in the community. Students desiring a Bachelor’s Degree (transfer program) should consult with an advisor to discuss transferability of courses.

    Required Courses
    Course Prefix Course Name Units
    KIN 3First Aid and CPR3
    or KIN 5 Advanced First Aid/CPR/Emergency Response
    KIN 19Introduction to Care/Prevention of Activity/Sports-Related Injuries3
    KIN 34Fitness for Living3
    KIN 92Work Experience - Athletic Training2-3
    Total Units11-12

    Kinesiology, Athletics, and Dance Website 

How to Complete the Program

Guided Pathways

Program Guided Pathways


Department Contact

Contact: Liz WardTitle: Department ChairContact:

Office Contact

Hours: 7:30 A.M. - 5:30 P.M.Location: Building 45-1461Phone: (909) 274-4630